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<Minjoo pov>

i was about to go and to see chaewon after work when suddenly i saw miru who is talking to someone on the phone..

"hey minjoo"felix called me.thats making me confused..

"Hmmm..?"he looked at miru who is on the phone call right now.

"You have a feeling too?"felix asked i shook my head..

Im about to go but grandpa called me thats make felix looked at me curious..

"you still have connection with that old man?"felix asked as i answer the phone call and turn on the speaker..


"minjoo my dear are you okay?"

"yeah of course why not"

"Can you come here?"

"im busy grandpa"


"im really busy grandpa sorry i cant"

"Granddaughter arent you curious about the one who keep spying you and chaewon?"


"can you come?lets just talk"

"Ill try"

i ended the phone and looked at felix..

"i will accompany you there thats chaewon command"felix said as we both went to look for chaewon..

"Miru one question and answer"we heard chaewon who keep on shouting and slamming the desk.

"The fuck...chaewon is so scary"felix said ..he opened the door..

"im really dont do that thing ms.chaewon"miru said who is about to cry ..

"i will meet my grandpa " i told her she looked at me calm..


"yes ms.chaewon"miru said ..

"I will trust you but if one day i know the truth that you were connected with this you're going to jail"chaewon said.

"Thank you ms.chaewon"she said and bow many time as she gets out from the office leaving us..

"so whats my girlfriend want?"chaewon said thats make me blush ..

"ehem maybe ex?"felix who is there tor hined the moment..

"i gave miru the code"chaewon said ..

"WHAT?"felix and i said in the same time..

"Dont worry guys i know what im doing"chaewon said as we nodded even we're having a double thinking about this..

"im leaving"chaewon said as she put her thing in her bag..

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