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<Minjoo pov>

i went outside with chaewon she sudden invite me to go out ,i dont know why. i dont feel comfortable of my dress many guys looking at me inside..

"is this dress fits in me?" i asked her she looked at me and touch my chin then she looked at me up and down..

"yeah i like seeing you like that" she said and then she turned to looked around..

well i like how manly she is right now even shes a girl..her polo shirts with expose neck make me blush a little..

"You look good too as always" i said..and bite my lower lip and look aside trying to hide my happiness..

"Moved closer" she said..and im confused..

"move what? we're too close now"i said she moved closer as our shoulder touches each other..

"Minjoo?" she called..


"Are you going judge me too for being like this?" she asked.

"Like what?"i asked too..

"playgirl" she said and looked at me so straightly with her eyes stuck on me..

".....hmm?I cant judge you "i said and look at my feet..i wear this kind of sandals..

"why?youre an innocent one but still innocent dont want to be a badgirl like me right?" she asked..and i nodded and half disagreed with it ..because i know in my self even im innocent there is someone who can change me ..its chaewon..

"Hmm? i dont think,many of nerd or like me when they met a wild one they become like them as well" i said..she nodded and bit her lip..

'damn shes hot '

"So you're telling me im an influencer?" she asked i quickly shook my headand she starts laughing at me..

why am i feeling this butterflies in my stomach...

"can we go inside now?"i asked even i dont want too..because maybe she wants to go inside shes just waiting for me to go in..

"Ahmm no they are many guys looking at you and im not comfortable " she said ..so shes concern?

"im sorry for my grandma always saying we looked together "she said and laugh awkward trying not to look at me but she failed i knew it ..tskk.

"amm yeah its okey.." i said and smiled but it fades ..

"You deserve someone like a loyal one" she added..

'why cant you be loyal ..'i said to my self and staring at her..

"Bestfriends forever right?"she said ..

"yeah of course " i said it hurts i dont know why..

"anyways this is the money for you " she said handing me the envelop..

"C-chaewon how can i pay you back?" i asked again..

"dont pay its okay we're bestfriend " she said..here we go again with this bestfriend.

"Are you sure?"i asked again..

"im sure" she said..

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