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after a months..

chaewon, taehyung and yuri are now packing their things to go back to korea..

"Are you still mad at her?"taehyung asked chaewon ..

"im not i love her so much"chaewon said and smirked..

"What are you going to do now?arent you going to surprise her or someting"yuri asked..

"she didnt even answering my phone call and she doesn't even know that im coming back"chaewon said thats make both yuri and taehyung nodded about that..

"Once we come back there lets just go to our own company"taehyung said and they nodded ..


Hyewon is on her way to go to her dad with a gun on her back..
she then arrives and kick the door of her dad office..

"Where is minjoo?"hyewon asked pointing the gun in front of her dad..

"i dont know ,why are you asking me?"her dad said smirking at her...

"You know how many bullets here inside the gun?"hyewon asked her father now looking so nervous..

"Hyewon my daughter you're too weak to do that to me"her father said ..

"well hell im not!"hyewon said and click the gun and almost shot her father ..

"Now tell me!where is my daughter!"hyewon repeat..

"I use her for my company shes now owning this company my granddaughter will use this!"he said..

"For What?"hyewon shouted..

"to defeat miyawaki sakura's company"he said..

"im not gonna let you use my daughter"Hyewon said..

"Then i will kill her"he said seriously that makes hyewon scared a little..

"You wont do that"

"why not hyewon?"

"Im not the one who will kill her but sian will"He added and stood up to look at hyewon eyes straightly..

He put the gun down slowly ..

"Do it for your daughter safety hyewon~a time death is coming HAHA"he laughs evily..after that hyewon walk out the office and looked at sian who is coming towards her ..

there are now staring at each other..

"Bitch death is coming"sian said..

"Yeah its coming and im happy"hyewon said and laugh at her ..

"why tho? that you're going to die with your family?"sian said..

"No.im happy because i know that you're going to hell first ,Poo"hyewon said while holding her gun teasing sian ..

"Are you saying that im going to die sooner?you asshole "sian said grabbing hyewon collar and pushed her to the wall..

"Hmm? i didnt say anything"hyewon said smiling like a crazy woman in the world..

she then change the position which is sian is now the one facing the wall..

"Arent you afraid im kang hyewon not the weak one but the strong and more powerful"hyewon said..

"im warning you..if you did something bad to my daughter or to my wife ..ill bury you alive"hyewon warned and walked out but first she fix sian clothes and gave her a punch..

"Do i look like i care?"sian said..

"Anyways you can have my dad to be your sugar daddy forever because i know you want money always money"hyewon said winking at her..

"well he gives me money and i can have all of it and you? you're poor so why dont you cooperate with us?"sian offered ..

"Do you really think im poor?"hyewon asked while laughing..

"Well i can see"

"My dad always gives you 1million and half so cheap"hyewon said as she moved closer to sian..

"atleast i have 1million and you?bruh get lost "sian really wants to insult hyewon from being poor..

"Well ms.lee sian i have more than 1million if you want i can give you and slap my fucking bank.acc/creditcards and more than 100million cash money in your face"Hyewon said and then she pinch sian cheeks..

"wake up sis! im rich!"hyewon said as she walked away now leaving sian annoyed..

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