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<Sakura pov>

im now looking at chaewon and her grandma's so worried ..but deep inside i keep thinking about that taehyung ..

they both had the same allergic ..

"What are you thinking?" chaeyeon asked..

"about the guy and chaewon"i straightly answered she laugh at me..

"yah! its just a coincidence"chaeyeon said but i dont think thats just a coincidence..

"I dont think so "i said and goes to my room and chaeyeon followed me..

"Do you still remember that chaewon's parents had a baby boy but when we asked the doctor they said he died"i said and chaeyeon keep thinking..

"what are you talking about?that guy earlier is chaewon brother? its just an allergic sakura"chaeyeon said .

i went to the other room and look at the guy ..

"Hi" i coldly said.he smiled at me..

"Hello"he said and gets up..

"dont you know?that you had allergic?or you knew it already?"i asked while looking at him so suspicious.

"i really dont know because this is the first time that i ate crab,im poor tho i have no money to buy it" he said.it make me feel so sad ..

"why? where are your parents?" i asked ..

"i dont have any i only have my auntie and someone said to me they throw me away since birth"he said..

the door opened ..

"YAHHH TAEHYUNG!"i saw nako coming towards him..

"auntie"he called..and hugged her ..

wait? whats going on ? they know each other?

"Wait nako?what is this?"i asked and she looked at me then ignored me and keep asking this taehyung if he's okay..

i went back to chaewon's room and saw her awake while looking at the window..

"aishh~why am i so beautiful even there's a sun hitting my face" she said.i laugh and slap her on her arms..

"Pabo!!! why did you eat crab!! do you want to die!!" i shouted but then hugged her..

"aishh~! your mother told me to take care of you but now this is happening" i said..

"auntiee..im not dying im fully alive" she said ..

"Oh? whats that?" i said looking at her wrist with bracelet on it ..she doesn't like wearing those thing.such a liar.

"I thought you dont like putting bracelet?"i said confused she hide it from me..

"hmm its special to me haha"she said making an awkward laugh..

"Wait what happened to taehyung?is he having allergic too?" she asked and i nodded..

"what a coincidence "she said holding her own cheeks..

i didnt told her about her brother ..i should talk with nako,about it..

i run as fast as i could leaving chaewon with minjoo and her grandma's..

"Nako!" i called she was about to go with taehyung ..

"Yes?" she asked and turned to look at me..

"im going auntiee you two talked for a minute"he said and let nako go with me ..

"What is it?" nako asked..

"ahmm im just thinking who is he?"i asked then i heard her gulping ..

"Ahmm he's my relative "she said.about that she lied i know..

"you didnt introduce him to me we're close right?" i asked and she smiled and nodded..

such a plastic..

"I wont tell" i said..

"Hes my relative really" she said then walked away..

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