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<Chaewon pov>

"Goodmorning ma'am"miru greet me with full of her smile in her face..

"Whats the schedule"i asked..

"hmm meeting with sakura and ahn's family"she said..

"how about the kang?i mean kang hyewon"i said..

"there is no meeting for her ma'am"

"put it 4:30pm meeting with mrs.kang call taehyung too and yuri "i command..

as i saw felix outside my office.

"what are you doing here?"i asked he raise some of plastic bag..

"i got you food"felix said as i let her to enter my inside..

"so whats going on now ?i got mr.kang company he has empty now"felix said.

"you're not sure"i said.he looked at me and gave me the document..

"prepare yourself we have meeting later at 4pm with kang family also with ahn "i informed him...

"Anyways i heard something rumor about you and minjoo"he said..

"WHAT?what kind of rumor was that?"i asked as i sat on the chair.

"Hmm im not really but its kinda wild like that i think you need to be aware ..and i also think you're secretary is a spy"felix said..i trusted miru and i cant blame her like that..

"Miru is a nice secretary i dont think she will do that"i said and grab some coffee tha he brought.

"Of course she will act kind to you thats called plastic chaewon"felix said thats make me think a lot but not sure about that..

"Anyways why do we have meeting with them i thought they are not our business partners"felix said..

"Its the another company felix ,the company that minjoo using was mr.kang company but shes now out of there thats why i need you to look for minjoo if its okay with you"i said and holding my gun fixing it..

"Sure why not "felix said i nodded and gave him highfive..


i am now waiting here alone with my secretary i keep looking at her action but no change she still like miru that i know..

"hey sis"taehyung arrived first and my auntie..

"what are you trying to do chaewon?"auntie sakura said as she sat down.

"Hmmm lets wait for the others"i said and keep playing with my ball-pen waiting for them to come..

"Im here!"felix arrives with minjoo..

"Granddaughter!"my grandma hugged me ..looking at us..

then me and minjoo eyes met..

"sit down minjoo"i command and she did it..

as the other arrives too we starts the meeting but first i closed all the curtains so no ones going to spy us..

"So what did you all invite us for this?"auntie sakura said i can see shes looking at auntie chaeyeon who is next to her while looking at mrs.hyewon too..

"Mrs.kang will cooperate with me and she gave this.."i showed them the code that minjoo's mother gave to me..

"Lets fix our relationship to be better "i added..taehyung nodded about it also yuri..

While im explaining i saw a picture pop on the screen that makes us looked at it..

"What the fuck?"minjoo reaction closing her mouth with those hands of her ,seeing me and minjoo making out..

"Wow"my grandma sana reaction i looked at it normal thats make my eyes fire up..

"Woah what is that?"yujin asked i was just staring at it..

then another picture pop..which is mrs.kang hyewon and auntie chaeyeon..

"What the fuck is that!!"sakura said..

"Whats going on?"they asked then i looked at miru who is shocked too..

"Amm yeah so i think this meeting become more wilder than i expected"felix said trying to ignore the screen but he couldn't..

"What a nice picture who took it?"i asked one of them they looked at me confused..

"i know someone here did this?just admit"i looked at them one by one..

"How the fuck did this picture came here?we have this kind of private meeting wow thats amazing really"i said getting mad right now..i slammed the table that make them flinch..


"We didnt do it"yujin said..

"We didnt too"taehyung said..

"Anyways turn it off its kinda distract me"my grandma tzuyu..

"A flirt"auntie sakura said looking at both of mrs.kang and auntie..

i admit it i got distract about our picture and ofcourse grandma sana who is proud that im on top..i cant.

felix who keep looking at my secretary who is shocked too after seeing this kind of picture..

i was about to continue the meeting but then the screen turn on again even i have the remote..


"Hi guys guess what?im the strong and the evil mr.kang "

"are you happy seeing yourself with this picture in just one second if this pop will destroy your reputation"

"Hyewon..my daughter come back you dont belong there"

"And you chaewon...im the one who will kill you like what i did to your parents"

"Its been a long time and i want to see you now"

"Enjoy the show "

•end audio•


i gun cant stop from shooting the window all the curtains are now flying over because of the gun..

we went to hide under the table and prepare our gun..

"Minjoo stay here"i said and left there with felix i run outside.

"Yahhh!! Catch her!!"i shouted to felix..

I ran as fast as i could just to reach this asshole..instead of running i point the gun and shoot her ...


"Aishhh~"she groan..i looked at her..

"Wonyoung you really want to kill us huh?"i said..

"Unnie~~its not me i escape from them"wonyoung said i dont know if i should believe her..

i pointed the gun to her was about to press it but someone shoot her first ..all her blood came out from her mouth.

"Wonyoung~a"yujin shouted and grabbed wonyoung hands and hold her stomach..

"YAHHH!!!"yujin pushed me..

"w-wonyoung~a i already forgive you please dont die dont leave me"yujin said while crying and holding wonyoung head..

"I didnt got her but she seem so familiar "felix said

"yujin i didnt do it "i said..

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