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<Chaewon pov>

"Hey minjoo" i called .

"chaewon "she called and smiled..

"What are you trying tell me?" i asked and looked at my watch its already 12:45am midnight...


"chaewon...please dont stay away from after this"she said i nodded ..

"why would i?"i said i see her taking a deep breath and starts to say something..

"chaewon..i like being with you be with you forever....ammm.....chaewon i lik———-" she cut by yena's voice who keep shouting..


"wait what ?continue minjoo"i said but yena already pulled her..

i went back to my room and didnt even saw minjoo .i sigh..

"What is she going to tell me?my gad that yena really" i said..

"Whats happening to you seems like you've been thinking about minjoo?" yuri sudden pop in front of me..

"well you're right..tomorrow is our last night here right?"i asked..

"yes why?"she asked..

"nothing im just going to enjoy my self again"i said and smiled at her while shes holding her forehead..

"you really like having sex always ..thank god you're not my sister i dont like it.."she said as i lay down my bed while thinking what happened a while ago..

one hour later ..

i cant sleep so i decided to go out and to get some fresh air ..

while im walking alone i saw minjoo kissing someone a tall girl.

"...." i dont know but i feel like something stabbed me from here*pointingtomyheart*

Seems like they're enjoying it i turned around to see wonyoung crying ..

"Unnie~"she hugged me..

"wonyoung~a"i heard minjoo's voice...

"Dont need to explain i know you like yujin"wonyoung said and walk away .minjoo who is trying to reach her but decided to touch her arms and looked at her seriously..

i hugged her..

"Sorry.."yujin said..i smiled at her and then i gave her a loud punch it makes her nose bleeds.

"The fuck?"yujin said holding her noise..

"yahh stop it guys!!"minjoo shouted but we didnt stopped and punch each other instead...

"Wonyoung likes you then youre going to like minjoo?and you're not even asking me if i allowed her to be with you!" i said .

"why? are you and minjoo in relationship "she asked ..

"We're bestfriend!and im concern"i said and pushed her away..

"lets go"i said and grabbed minjoo ..

"wait! im not finish yet!!"yujin said and punch me again ..i fell on the sand..

she keeps punching me ..and me?..i didnt tried to fight back and just let her do this to me..

"YAHH!! yujinn!! im so disappointed "minjoo said and i stood up wiping all the bloods in my mouth.

"Nice..guess what?you're drunk"i said and then minjoo left us both here..

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