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<Minjoo pov>

we're now finally home at our room eating some snacks and watching movies again but the movie is so sad..

because the boy needs to leave her girlfriend for 1 year to help her mother on the states ..when the boy arrives he went to their room and saw the girl making out with someone..he cried.the girl keep chasing him but she couldn't reach him anymore..

(a/n i just invented that hahaha..thats happening in real life ..like my ex did to me☺️)

i cried a little bit then chaewon gave me some tissues ,she keep laughing at me as i throw the tissues on her face..

"minjoo i need to tell you something"chaewon said while holding my hands and keep on squishing it...


"I will leave you here for 4 months is that okey for you?"she said thats makes my day sad..

"for real or your just pranking me because of that movie?"i said and raise my eye brows..she laugh a little bit but after the her head went down..

"Im not kidding minjoo im serious im going for real..just promise me one thing"chaewon said as i nodded..

"Dont cheat on me like the girl did to her boyfriend"she said..i smack her head make her groan in pain..

"Yah!"she shouted and starts being clingy with me ..but im sad because maybe this is the last day that she will do that for me..

"2days left minjoo ..enjoy the moments with me can you?"she said...i nodded..we both lying down the bed while shes on top of me ..hugging me..

she looked at me again and gave me many peck on the lips..but its turning to a passionate kiss ..

While kissing each other softly she put my arms on her..

"Lets make this night more memorable "she said..and kissed me again..

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