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a day when sakura and chaeyeon went to their room .sakura wants to talk to her wife ..

"Whats the problem?"chaeyeon asked sakura let her sit on the bed..

"e-eunbi killed chaewon's parents...but there is a reason..she wants to live happily with her family"sakura explain chaeyeon got angry knowing what eunbi did..

"What?"chaewon was there holding the door she heard it all..

"Chaewon.."sakura said and run towards chaewon..

"chaewon its not what you think"sakura said and grab chaewon wrist and face her..

"That hurts auntiee"chaewon said ..

"I have no parents..and thats because of kang family..maybe the person who texted me shes telling the truth"chaewon said and pushed sakura..


"let her"chaeyeon said and slapped sakura on the face..

"What was that for?"sakura asked holding her face..

"Thats for lying" chaeyeon said and walked out..

sakura sigh..

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