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The skies were angry yet again, roaring in endless thunderstorms as lightning struck the heavens

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The skies were angry yet again, roaring in endless thunderstorms as lightning struck the heavens. And yet nothing more fascinated the young girl who stared out of her window, watching lightning light up the night sky with so much interest.

A warm, cozy hoodie engulfed her petite figure, a messy bun was tied onto the top of her head with her sweater paws holding onto a mug of hot coco. The night was almost too perfect for her and nothing more could be better than this.

She had always watched the skies lit up with each strike of electricity during thunderstorms. It fascinated her for an unknown reason but she could care less. She's grown fond of them even as a child who would've normally ran away in fright.

And with the lightning, a certain male popped into her head. Her dearest classmate every girl in school wanted to be close with. Or rather, the boy every girl wanted to be her boyfriend. Boboiboy Thunderstorm, or Thunder as they called him.

(Y/n) found it annoying most of the time, having to deal with classmates who were so damn loud whenever the lightning elemental was in sight. His six brothers would be around him, chatting about whatever while he remained silent, uninterested to speak.

Among the brothers was the light elemental, Solar, a rather good friend of yours. Even now, you still had no idea how you became friends with him, in all honesty. After all, he was rather much of a book worm who found the library more interesting to explore rather than what's more trendy these days.

But you were always so fond of him, recalling how he easily listens to your rambling while he reads a random book about stars or whatnot. You got along quite well, if I do say so myself.

Thunder rumbled and the red streak of lightning erupted from the skies, creating a defeaning sound that echoed in the night. Your eyes lit with interest as a small smile carved your lips, "Wow...", the scene was truly beautiful in your head and sometimes, you even found yourself weird for stuff like this.

But nonetheless, you stared at the sky, wanting to see more of that red lightning with the same smile on your face.

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