Draco x Reader.

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"You two are to be married" My mum declares, taking a sip of water and looking over the top of the rim at me with big brown eyes. 

I was sat in-between my parents, opposite Draco and his parents and before my mum had decided to enlighten us with this new declaration, everyone was happily eating in silence.

"Pardon?" I almost choke on the tea I was drinking and I almost slam the cup back on the table as my gaze snaps over to her.

We had been staying with the Malfoy's for almost five weeks now as the dark lord insisted out house was perfect for training new death eaters because of the big ballroom and garden grounds and no one goes against the dark lord so here we are.

Almost five weeks, now let me tell you - me and Draco dispised each other. 

Yes. Five weeks of constant bickering and now our parents seem used to the snide comments thrown across the dinner table

He was a Slytherin and while I was a Hufflepuff, I spared him no kindness after he threw my cat out of his bedroom. 


He picked it up and threw it out of his room because he claimed he 'didn't want such an monstrous creature in his room' to which I claimed he's the only monstrous creature in the house.

That didn't go well.

Sure it was probably from waist high and I'd seen her accidentally fall off balconies before and still be fine but that was Blackberry - MY cat. 

He can't throw my cat. 

It's rather rude.

That was the second day we came here and we'd squabbled none stop since then.

"As in me and (Y/n)?" Draco put his fork down, narrowing his gaze at me "Did you ask for this?"

I let out a scoff "As if I would ask for that"

Flicking some hair out of my face, my eyes narrow on him because if looks could kill - I'd be ten feet underground by now.

Despite our constant bickering, Narcisa took quite a liking to me - even going as far as telling me that I reminded her of her sister though I was nothing like Bellatrix so I wasn't exactly sure what she meant by that.

The proceeded to tell me how much she regretted leaving things with her sister though I swear her and Bellatrix are actually rather close so again - no clue what she meant by that. 

"I'm not marrying you!" He exclaims, narrowing his gaze at me and gripping his fork so tightly in his hand that his knuckles were turning white.

"Likewise! You think I'd want to marry a cat throwing pompous ass?" I can't help the sly grin that crosses my face when he let's out a huff of annoyance.

"You're an immature brat! Like I'd want to marry you! You have no manners!" He snaps, straightening his posture as though to prove he was better than me. 

"Children!" My mum snaps "It was agreed. An arranged marriage" She waved a hand in the air as though it would clear the tension and fix all the problems with this choice. 

"I don't want to marry her!" He mutters to his mother, so quietly I barely catch it.

"It helps both our family's" My father's voice was hard. It was a change from his normal humorous demeanour and tone.

"But he's rude! And he hates me!" I mumble, scrunching my nose up in distaste and looking at the toast on my plate. 

I no longer felt hungry though.

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