We Should Definitely Not Have Sex Right Now

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We should definitely not have sex right now

We should definitely not have sex right now

It would complicate the situation


It's the adult thing to not have sex right now

We have the common sense not to have sex right now


I need time to reflect


And I'm in a really weird place


It feels so good to be having sex right now


It's so good to be having sex right now


What makes it so good is we just said

We shouldn't be having sex right now


But now we can't stop having sex right now


I mean, it would be weirder to stop having sex


Such a good point, we might as well just finish


We should definitely not have sex again


We should definitely not have sex again

What are we, bonobos in a tree?


There's no reason to have sex again

But I'll be ready to go again in ten


Okay, what if we say this is the last sex night?


It's like in movies when robbers do one last heist


'Cause tonight will be our last sex heist


But then again, those movies always get a sequel

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