JAP Battle (Reprise)

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All of our lives you were toxic


Now though, you've brought me from nauseous to naches

I'm proud of you, Bunch

You're a grown-up, you got this

Kol hakavod, you're a goddess



But you're so responsible

Career's on sizzle

Husband, ditto

Three great kiddos

You've got competence, class

Plus a skinny-ass waist

And a toned-ass ass


Well, you've got a free spirit, which I see and commend

So, like 2 Chainz without the "NZ" at the end

I wish you double chai

For following the tug

Of your heart behind you 36 triple-D jugs


Wow, what a boost for my confidence!


Yeah, I mean, I gotta give it up

I'm pretty good at giving compliments


Nice bubble, Bubbeleh, I really hate to pop it

But nobody's got a plaudit any hotter than I drop it


This is...


A JAP praise fight


Half affirmation


Half cage fight


Killing you with kindness


Yeah, you're dang right


It's a head-to-head yasher koach mazel tov off


You know what?

Let's squash it, you're awesome


Seconded! Same!

Rebecca-wise, my game recognize game


Thanks, I appreciate that


Yeah, I mean, there's a reason I'm called "Esteem queen Levine"


Can it with the accolades-slash-shade-catapulting

You are the one who is great at adulting

All you hard work, ultimately resulting in triumph


Damn, that's some sneaky insulting

Skip the emotional judo

I am the B. Knowles-Carter of kudos


I'm the Lebron James of acclaim


Then you might as well call me the Michelle of the kvell


Go to hell!


This is...


A JAO cheer scrimmage


Like a rap battle


But the mirror image


Both of us'll feel great


When we're finished


Giving a dope-slap of dap to this JAP...

Which does stand for Jewish-American Princess, a term that, on one hand, does reinforce negative, negative stereotypes about both Jews and women but, on the other hand, is a term that we want to reclaim and own. Also, should acknowledge that me saying "dap to this jap" is appropriative and a little problematic, if we're being honest.

This is touchy stuff and it's pretty complicated

But I noticed the dynamic and I thought that I should name it

Just like I hated you, but now I kinda like you

This song's another thing I can see two sides to


Terrific self-awareness


Knock it off, Audra!

You never stop, do you?


Can't and don't wanna


You're a wonderful lady

But an insufferable baby


Should we make out?


What?! No!


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