Hello, Nice To Meet You

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Hello, nice to meet you

You've been inside of me


Hello, nice to meet you

You broke my heart

[REBECCA, spoken]


[REBECCA & GREG, sung]

Pleased to make your acquaintance, stranger

I've spent many years processing my anger

Wouldn't know what to say to the person I knew

But it's nice to meet you

[GREF, spoken]

Oh, ma'am, your baguette!

[REBECCA, sung]

It's funny, you remind me of this guy

Whom I labeled as toxic


Yeah, in a certain light you look like

This girl who screwed my best friend

[REBECCA, spoken]

Ugh, she sounds like a bitch

[GREG, spoken]

Yeah, she kinda was

[REBECCA & GREG, sung]

We've met before

But I really can't place it


Oh, was it that time

We ate pizza naked?


Right! That night was sick

I ate sauce off your --


Yes, and that burned

[REBECCA, spoken]



It's nice to meet you

I mean is anyone we meet

Really that new to us

We're all the same species

That grew in a uterus


A kiss is a kiss


But to be fair

It's not every day your Doc asks

"How did sauce get in there?"


Hello, nice to meet you

You seem really cool


Hello, nice to meet you

I am indeed really cool


If you have a message

For my doppelganger

I'm happy to pass it

Along as a favor


Tell her I have her scrunchie


I still have his coat


Tell her she kissed good


Tell him I have notes

[GREG, spoken]


[REBECCA, sung]

Tell him it's sad

That he had to hide


Tell her arrabbiata

Is not for inside


Tell him I'm sorry


Tell her I am too


Now that's settled

It's nice to meet you

It's nice to meet you

In various meet cutes

It's nice to meet you

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