Nothing Is Ever Anyone's Fault

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Before I knew you

I did bad things and didn't know why

But now, I know you

And I've learned to look inside

I understand what makes me

Frightened and sad

So, yes, I still do bad things

But are they actually bad?


Because nothing is ever anyone's fault

We're all just products of childhood trauma

Nothing is ever anyone's fault

Pain causes anger and fear causes drama

We can't control

The things we do

Just like I can't control

That I'm in love with you


Wow, the first part was kind of amoral, but the last thing was really sweet




What else?


I was raised to believe

That every person's in charge of their fate

But now, I clearly see

That my father's a dick and he filled me with hate

You were the first person who told me that


Maybe you have a point

I was brought up by a fat-shaming mom

Who made me take laxatives

The week before prom (yep!)

Now, I overeat ever since that abuse



Psychology is a great excuse


Nothing is ever anyone's fault


Nothing is ever anyone's fault


John Wayne Gacy was hit by his dad



It wasn't technically Hitler's fault


Wasn't technically Hitler's fault


Hitler's brother died

[Nathaniel & Rebecca:]

And that made him super sad

It's hard to paint people with evil or glory

When you know that everyone's

Got a tragic backstory

Free will's an illusion

Morality is, too

So, it's not my fault that

My parents messed me up

'Cause their parents messed them up

And Adam and Eve were messed up by god

Who was messed up originally by the big bang

Everything is the big bang's fault!


Good point!

Energy in space was the ultimate bad father

[Nathaniel & Rebecca:]

Nothing is nobody's fault


Nothing is nobody's

Is that a double negative?


Eh, it sounds good, why bother?

But I'm glad for the trauma


I'm glad for it, too

[Nathaniel & Rebecca:]

'Cause my past is what led me

To fall in love with you

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