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Logan sat with Lola on her lap and Aubrey sat opposite the pair, watching in amusement as Logan tried to get Lola to eat some food but the younger girl was absolutely refusing. Logan glared at Aubrey who laughed at her struggle and absolutely didn't help at all.

"One day you're going to get bad karma from this." Logan spoke and Lola giggled really loudly at her mum who was whining. "Now she's laughing at me too, I'm so stressed."

"Chill out Logs." Aubrey laughed and reached over to take Lola out of her grasp, the younger blonde pulled the babies food towards her and started to gently and slowly feed Lola. "I got this, I'm going to be a great mum."

"First you have to find someone who will love your awkward and lonely ass." Logan chuckled, feeling extremely grateful that she had people around to help her when it got difficult with Lola.

"Harsh, but true." Aubrey groaned. "Do you need me to look after Lola for a while? You guys can have a night out and I can formula feed her."

"Would you really do that?" Logan questioned and raised an eyebrow. "You don't have to."

"Don't be an idiot, I love my little Lola." Aubrey hugged Lola closer to her chest and smiled when the young girl placed an exaggerated kiss on Aubrey's chin because that's as much as she could reach.

"Then I'll text you and we can organise it." Logan smiled. "Thank you really, Jason and I need this."

"Have fun with him Logan, Lola is a cutie and I wouldn't mind having another little niece or nephew." Aubrey winked and the blonde across the table rolled her eyes.

"I want a few months of sleep after Lola starts sleeping through the night, it's hard because I always have to be up at night with her so that Jason gets a good nights sleep and has enough energy for footy the next day." Logan smiled and Aubrey was now taking notice of the tiredness behind her eyes.

"I'll have her any time, me and Bailey will look after her at home."

"I trust you, not him." Logan chuckled as she thought about Bailey looking after Lola. "I'm kidding, he's so good with her."

"I'm better."



guess who's playing mama tonight🤍🥰

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guess who's playing mama tonight🤍🥰

user1 awww cute

loganshine two favourite girlies🤍🤩
-milapars ouchies🤔

user2 when do you want bby's?
-aubsmith honestly as soon as i find someone i love, i have always wanted to be a young mama but im really not in any rush. these things will happen when they happen

bazlenka does that mean i have to help😫
-loganshine yessir, lola loves you anyways

joshdunkley_whos the cutie on the right?🤩
-aubsmith my favourite human being🥺


Logan had dropped off Lola and everything that Aubrey and Bailey would need to look after her for the night, the mum had fussed over a few minor details and in the end Aubrey had to force her out the door otherwise she might not have left. Most mums that had young children were like that so it didn't annoy Aubrey at all, it seemed fair enough that they would be worried about the new fragile additions to their family.

"Hi baby girl, how are you?" Aubrey sat down in the lounge and spoke to Lola in her baby voice despite knowing that she wouldn't get an answer. "Bailey, Lola's here!"

"Hey girlie." Bailey stole the young girls attention and she reached out to motion that she wanted to be picked up by him. "Aww you're such a cutie." Bailey kissed her cheeks repeatedly.

"Are you okay to look after her for like half an hour while I cook?" Aubrey questioned and her brother looked at her feeling guilty. "What now?"

"I told Pat that I'd go to his place." Bailey smiled innocently and Aubrey groaned knowing that she would have cooked dinner earlier if he had told her. "I can get someone to come over and help look after her."

"Just don't tell Logan and Jason that something isn't a hundred percent right because we all know that she'll freak out." Aubrey said firmly and he nodded. "Now hurry up because I want to eat soon and mum and dad will get angry at me if I haven't cooked for them by the time that they get home."

"Will do." Bailey handed Lola back to Aubrey and rushed upstairs to call one of his teammates so that they could help his sister look after little Lola.


"Don't fear, Marcus is here!" Aubrey heard the door open and the talk Italian walked into the household bearing a few snacks. "Is Bailey already gone?"

"He sure is." Aubrey nodded as the pair met up in the kitchen. "Who's the food for?"

"Well Baz asked for this shit but because he's gone, I guess we can enjoy eating this after we cook and eat dinner." Marcus smiled widely and poked Lola's little cheeks. "Hello little one."

"Okay, lets go make ourselves some pizzas!" Aubrey cheered even though the pizzas that they were making would be half homemade and definitely not the best quality. They pulled out the store bought pizza bases and took out all of the ingredients and toppings that they would be using.

"Looks like we're cooking up a storm Lola!" Marcus exclaimed and leaned over to tickle the young girls stomach and she giggled her little heart out.

"I would hardly call it that." Aubrey laughed a little bit and chucked a small container of tomato paste at the boy in front of her. "Get to work Marcus, my parents will throw a fit if this isn't ready and they'll be home in about half an hour."

"Aye aye captain." Marcus saluted the blonde girl and went to wash his hands and then get to work so that they could all eat dinner. "What are we going to give Lola for dinner?"

"That's what I'm going to be making, just some soft foods like pasta and then maybe some soft fruit for dessert if she's lucky." Aubrey winked and the pair got to work cooking for the family.

i hate getting judged because i'm as big of a fan of the footy as my brothers🤩🤪

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