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Aubrey didn't really remember what happened after about midnight the night before having had a few drinks to many, sure she hadn't been blackout drunk but it was enough for her to be unsure about what had happened. All she knew was that Tara and Bailey were the ones that bought her home and made sure that she made it safely, though maybe including Tara was a bit of a stretch, she was an insane lightweight and because Bailey could hold his alcohol well and could think straight enough to ensure that people could get home safely.

Josh on the other hand couldn't get what had happened the night before out of his head. He had tried to come up with something rational about her actions but just couldn't find any.

"I feel so bad." Aubrey complained as she threw herself onto the bed that both Bailey and Tara were asleep in. "Guys wake the fuck up!"

"Chill out, my head hurts." Bailey whined as he turned away from his sister and hugged Tara, his head resting in her neck to try and block out the noise. "If it's before midday then you better get the fuck out of my room."

"Beb, it's two in the afternoon." Tara yawned and smiled at Aubrey. "Morning Aubby, did Joshy leave you behind last night or something?"

"Not sure, but he would have messaged me if he was already awake so I'm guessing it was something to do with Kyle getting him home." Aubrey's hugged not feeling worried at all, maybe she should have been though.

"You should go check on him and leave us alone for the rest of your life." Bailey said, Aubrey couldn't see his face but she knew that his eyes were most likely scrunched up in a glare.

"You're so delightful when you have a hangover, like my favourite person to be around. You're fun when you drink but geez if this is the aftermath." Aubrey huffed and crossed her arms, pulling the blanket that was wrapped around her shoulders, towards her tighter. "But I'll take your advice, not because you told me to but because I want to."

"Keep telling yourself that Aubs, bye now. Have fun."


Aubrey had expected a warm welcome when she got to the Dunkley sibling household, or at least a nice enough one from Lara who she had always gotten along with rather well. They had a few things in common and genuinely just enjoyed each other's company, with no need for animosity it made it easy for them to get along with one another. You can imagine how much it surprised her when she got the opposite of the warm welcome that she had become so accustomed to.

"What're you sound here Aubrey?" Lara asked with a sigh as she opened the door for the younger girl. "I don't know what exactly you're playing at but Josh doesn't want to see you."

"Very funny Lara, how was your day yesterday?" Aubrey questioned, a smile growing on her face because she genuinely expected that Lara was just joking. There was no reason for her to be serious because Aubrey hadn't done anything wrong.

"Why don't you get the message. Josh doesn't want go see you. I liked you Aubrey, the least you could do is have some decency and leave him alone now that you've been caught."

"Caught doing what exactly? I swear I have no idea what you're talking about." Aubrey's face fell into a frown as she racked her brain for something that she may have done last night, but nothing was coming back to her at all.

"When will the lies stop?" It was Josh this time who spoke. "Lara can you go inside, I want to talk to Aubrey alone for a minute."

"Of course Joshy, call me if you need me." Lara sent one more glare in Aubrey's direction before turning away and stalking away leaving behind an emotionless Josh and a very confused Aubrey. It was obvious to her that she must have done something seeing as Josh was acting in a way that she had never seen him act before.

Josh led Aubrey to the curb so that they would be out of earshot as he was sure that Lara and Kyle were most likely trying to listen in to the conversation.

"Can you just tell me why I wasn't good enough for you?" Josh was upset and it was easy to tell, his voice was much softer then usual and he spoke half as loud as he normally would. He also avoided any direct eye contact, instead focusing on the grass that he had picked from the grass and was rolling between his fingers.

"I honestly have no idea what you're going on about." Aubrey was very cautious as she spoke, she didn't want to set Josh off so she was trying to be gentle and calm about everything but on the inside she just wanted to scream because of the suspense.

"You remember that we had a little tiff earlyish on in the night?" Aubrey nodded at Josh's words, frowning herself as she remembered it. "Well at the after party one minute you were dancing with Logs and the next I was the one that found you and Wil with you'd lips locked outside of crown."

"You're kidding." Aubrey was so sure that it wouldn't have happened, there was no way that she would ever cheat on Josh in her right mind. But intoxicated her probably wasn't in her right mind, not that it was an excuse in any way. As she saw how shattered he looked on the outside she knew the extent to which this must have hurt him. It was soup crushing, to think that someone that you loved wholeheartedly didn't feel the same way. That you put so much time and effort in one person hoping that one day you would be able to make them you're forever but you're now being shown just how little they cared.

"Why would I joke about this?"

"I don't know and I don't think any of it happened but I'll talk to Wil and I'll find out. If something did happen I'm really sorry Josh, you deserve more the a low life who's going to cheat on you."

"I never deserved you."

"That's bullshit and you know it."

fingers for a saints win this weekend
also make sure to check out my new jarrod berry story thing, it's called reminiscent and i've already posted the intro and first chapter 😋

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