✨Chapter 4✨

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He looks me up and down with a sly smile, "You."

Don't.. Die.. Niki...

"I-I see," I somehow mumble.

Shit, I sound nervous. I shouldn’t sound nervous. The world isn’t ending. Infact, suddenly everything in the world feels right.

And, just when I'm thinking all is right in the world, I hear the bartender call out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's five minute to closing. Please close your tabs if you haven’t already."

Great. Someone just had to spoil it.

Nini turns to me, "I suppose this is where our night ends. It was nice while it lasted. Thank you for coming, once again."

He offers me a handshake. His hand lingers on mine as he steps back. Our eyes meet for a moment.

Wait, is that a hint of sadness I see in his eyes?

Perhaps, the excitement of the evening isn’t over...yet.

I draw my body closer to him and slowly close my eyes. Our lips meet. There's a rush in my chest as he deepens the kiss.

It's been years I forgot how good I can even feel.. but now, this.

He finally pulls away and rests his forehead against mine as we share a smile.

"Goodnight, nini," I whisper.


I step into the elevator with the rest of the remaining patrons and call a cab home.


I spend all of Sunday running errands and trying to get ready for the week. It doesn’t make heading back to my job on Monday any easier.

I exit the subway and there it is, my beloved office building. Oh boy.

We set up events for big shots around Seoul, think movie premieres and high-profile parades. Which sounds really exciting but I'm basically a paper-pusher.

I enter the building sighing. It's my living, that's all that matters.

No sooner had I stepped inside the building than my boss started to yell.


This is Lee Soo-Man, my boss

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This is Lee Soo-Man, my boss. Yup, the one Siyaah called an asshole. I think that about covers everything anyone needs to know about him.

I check my phone. It's 8:31 am. Wait.. What the fuck?

"But I'm not late, am I? My phone says I'm thirty minutes early."

Matchmaker: BOOK I [Y/N X KAI]Where stories live. Discover now