✨ Chapter 17 ✨

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"Okay, my favourite kind of dress is something that's classic and simple. I tend to like dresses that are understated and simple. They always look so classy!" I say.

"Cute! You and Luhan have similiar taste. He also likes simple and casual. He's very modest!" Aria says.

I chuckle, "Well..there's a saying that great minds think alike."

"Simple can often by synonymous with boring," Nini rolls eyes. Of course, he had to ruin a good conversation.

"Not if you know what you're doing," I grown inwardly. This guy keeps getting in my nerves.

Now it's down to business. We've got a bunch of dresses to go through!

"Brother, what's your opinion on it? What's your favourite kind of dress?" Aria asks curiously.

Nini looks at her with adoration, pinching her cheeks, "I'm sure whatever you pick will be perfect."

Breaking News: Gucci man doesn't have an opinion on wedding dresses.

"Uuugghhh! You're the worst! Aria pouts and crosses her arms. Nini smirks a little, but says nothing more.

"Alright, are you going to do this or not? Quit talking about dresses and try on one already," he says.

Aria scowls, "Ugh, fine, Drill Sergeant Kim Jongin, I'm going, I'm going.."

Right when she's about to walk away, her expression softens, as if she drifted somewhere else.

"What happened, Aria?" I ask.

"Nothing, I just can't believe this is all really happening. I'm trying on wedding dresses. I'm really getting married," she shakes her head and takes a handful of dresses and heads into the dressing room. Nini and I stand in incredibly awkward silence outside.

This is probably a good time for small talk, right? Come on brain, think of something!

"So..how about the last season of L.O.R.D.?" I ask.

"I'm sorry?" he frowns.

"L.O.R.D? The chinese film? Kris Wu really slayed the-"

"I didn't watch it," he says before I can finish.

"Okay. So, um, remember our dance at Siyaah's wedding? I really had fun dancing with you," I say, and I'd like to agree that I'm not lying.

He nods, "I enjoyed myself as well. It's just unfortunate that your subsequent actions made that memory sour for me."

Pfft. So much for the high road.

"I was just trying to make conversation! You don't have to act like a jackass," I groan.

"I'm not here for conversation. I'm here to make sure you don't ruin my little sister's wedding. I'm here to step in if you aren't up to the task, remember?" he says.

Okay, rude. I'm about to open my mouth to argue when Aria suddenly emerges from the dressing room.

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