✨ Chapter 28 ✨

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No way that's happening now.

I don't have it in me. I think if I need to word one more second then I'm surely going to pass out.

"I guess Nini's just going to have to deal with bare tables," I sigh.

"What if..you had help to do the thing?" Piyuu asks cheerfully.

Wow now, she wants to help me in folding paper flowers? Although I highly need the help but I couldn’t ask her to do that after all she has done for me..

"Are you sure? I didn't want to put it on you though, you've been helping me all week!" I blurt out.

"And I throughly enjoyed every second of it! Besides, I've told you that I'm trained in the ancient art of origami. So I think I'm absolutely up for a challenge right there," she laughs.

I laugh too, "Wait, did you actually recieve training on this or-"

"Oh, definitely not. I didn't have any idea what that even was before you said it. I just wanted to sound cool. But hey, we're on the same page on it right? Also, I can make us some dinner two. This way you can still put your feet up and get the flowers done," she offers.

Delicious..I'm not going to turn down the opportunity to have dinner cooked for me, it's such an unfair thing to do!

"Sure! I'm in!" I say.

"Perfect! Let's go," Piyuu gestures me to walk forward as we head to her house.


Piyuu and I get cracking on the paper flowers. And it's hard for me to believe that she was just kidding. She's actually pretty good at origami. She finishes one in twenty second flat and I'm not even kidding.

"Tada!" she throws both her arms in air as presenting the paper flower to me

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"Tada!" she throws both her arms in air as presenting the paper flower to me.


"Okay, I've to admit. I'm genuinely impressed," I comment.

This girl is like a walking poster child for boundless energy.

"You look entirely too happy being forced to do manual labor," I grin.

"I think it's relaxing and satisfying. Plus point is I like the company. You're a nice company," she says.

"Just nice?" I pout complainingly.

"Well, nice..and beautiful. Talented, a ton of fun to be around. You happen to be a very good company. The best, even," she says with a gentle smile.

Aw man, I hope I didn't force that poor girl to say those things.

"I really like spending time with you, Niki. It's been really nice to have a friend like you," she adds in.

I think I'm about to cry. No one ever says that!

"I'm glad that we crossed paths too. Thank you so much for doing this, Piyuu. I'm beyond grateful for all your help this week, and specially today. You went above and beyond the call of duty," I whisper.

"You don't have to thank me for anything, Niki. I was happy to do it," she shrugs.

You are so goddamn adorable and nice, Piyuu. There has to be some flaw in you!

"You know what? I still owe you like..a hundred drinks or a gift card or something," I say.

Maybe an MTA pass? People love those, right?

"If you want to give me something, take me to the best restaurant you know and feed me pasta," she winks.

"It's a deal, then," I laugh, "Now teach me how to enjoy this like you. Repetitive tasks make me feel miserable.

Piyuu laughs heartily. She has a nice laugh, I must say. It warms up the whole room.

"Okay let's see what can I do. You know, sometimes it's helpful to make a game out of it. Like trying to beat your own personal time. Or seeing how much you improved since your last one. You just have to figure out how to trick your brain to think it's fun," she says.

"I really wish I had that figured out when I worked in finance," I sigh.

"It's better late than never," Piyuu winks.

We work for about an hour and actually manage to finish all the flowers. Take that, Nini!

"We killed it!" I exclaim.

Piyuu high-fives me and then suddenly pops up from the floor.

"Hey where are you going?" I ask.

She giggles, "I promised I'd make you dinner."

Before I can stop her, she's already in the kitchen pouring coffee and getting a pan in stove. This girl is a saint for real.

"Okay, you're good at making dresses, you help run errands, you're good at origami, you cook..id there anything you can't do?" I ask.

Also, why the fuck are you single? Is it impolite to ask? Yep, keep your mouth shut, Niki.

"You forgot about my encyclopedic knowledge about music industry and multilingualism," she snaps proudly.

"Oh my god, how could I forget that?" I gasp.

"But seriously, I'm the most amazing girl you've ever met," she says as she moves a stroke of hair from her face and grins viciously.

"Ooh, I'm loving this kinky side of yours," I say as she hands me the mug of coffee.

I step closer and take the mug, "You’re literally too perfect to be real and I don't believe it for a second. You must have a bunch of juicy, exciting secrets that you're just not telling me!"

She laughs, "Well, why don't we put it on a test? If we're giving up secrets, we must as well as play a little drinking game..but with the coffee."

"Are you allergic to some wine or something?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Mad allergic. Keep alcohols away from me or we're not friends anymore," she snorts and crosses her arms.

"Okay. Coffee it is. You're on. What's your game of choice?" I ask.

"Flip it or sip it is always a good one," she whispers and stirs the pot. Then she fishes a coin out of her pocket and puts it on the encounter between us.

To Be Continued ✨

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