✨ Chapter 39 ✨

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Sticking my middle finger up to her, I walk out of the dressing room and make my way to Piyuu.

"Having a bad day, huh?" I squeeze her shoulder.

"Well, yes. But I'd imagine not as bad as yours. Well, at least you look great," she looks up to meet my eyes "I know we've talked about this but like, seriously? Atif's really your ask?" she frowns sympathizingly.

"Not only that, he left me at the altar for Sara," I sigh.

"Why'd Atif do something like that? Why'd anyone on their right mind would do that? You're way prettier, nicer, smarter, funnier and definitely much more interesting than her!" Piyuu exclaims.

I'd say that Piyuu's laying it on a little too thick. But this is Sara we're talking about. So it's a pretty low bar. It sounds totally believable and reasonable to put me so high when the comparison's with Sara even though I find nothing good in me.

I let out a sigh, "He said something about how Sara's clear about what she wants. So it's easier to be with her."

Piyuu laughs, "Do you know what it sounds to me like? Let me rephrase it. What Atif really means is that Sara's very demanding and he finds it easier to deal with. Whereas for you, you carry genuineness. It's actually the easier type of communication but it requires understanding on spiritual sense. It's not a type of information you store on your brain and Atif's too dumb to understand things without having it shoved exactly in his head. So, you see, Atif and you can't connect because his media of communication is bland, and so is Sara's. She doesn’t express feelings. She makes statements and orders."

Woah, mind = blown.

"Wow, that..is an interesting way of looking at it! But how do you know?" I exclaim.

"I've seen them. This is how she treated him during the whole dress shopping process. Though, I can't exactly blame Atif for that. If Sara had been that clear with me, maybe today would've gone better and I wouldn’t have to end on such uneasy terms.." she sighs.

"I know right? But hey, look on the bright side. You're getting paid a fortune for this, right!" I say.

"Not exactly.." she mumbles.

"Wait, hang on a second, you spent your entire day putting up with someone like that and you aren’t even getting paid well for it?!" I, gasp. Like, how the fuck is this alright to her?

She shakes her head, "No.."

"Why?" I ask, still surprised.

"Because I didn't ask for much," she replies numbly.

"Again, why?" I ask. I just don't understand what's wrong with this girl.

"Because I'm shy, Niki! And awkward! And unassertive! And generally bad at attracting customers!" she sighs, "If I was people-savvy like you, maybe things would've turned out differently. But I feel lucky when I get any customers at all!"

"Piyuu, I'm not that people-savvy like you think. I may seem like all bubbly, but I'm still a dork with a temper the size of Incheon," I say.

"Why Incheon?" she frowns.

"Because it's big," I joke.

"Why not Andong, then? It's the biggest city on South Korea so far!" she says.

I shrug, "Well, yeah, but that wouldn’t have that pleasing alliteration that Temper The Size Of Incheon does. And there's another thing.."

"And what that might be?" she frowns.

"I had no idea which the biggest city in South Korea is. I heard Incheon's big so I started to use this phrase. I'm too lazy to do researches," I blurt out. And she breaks out laughing, I laugh with her.

After a while, I continue, "The point is, Piyuu, we're all faking it and trying to help each other out where we can. You're being too hard on yourself, love."

"You think so?" she asks worriedly.

I nod, "Yep. It's good to know what you need to work on. It's actually a skill. Most people can't pinpoint their flaws. Even I have so much to work on but I can't start because I don't know where to begin from. But if you be that down on yourself, it's going to drive people away. Please never forget that you've got a lot to offer."

She sighs, "Maybe you're right. But it's really so hard to stay positive when you're struggling to keep the lights on. If I had someone who could help with the business side of things then I might be able to focus on my strengths but-"

"Finding people to help you is a part of what you're having trouble with?" I complete her sentence.

"Precisely. It's a vicious cycle," she groans frustratedly.

"You know what? Those would-be customers are missing out. You're a talented designer and a delightful person. And if people can't see that, then it's their loss," I shrug.

"Do you really think all that?" her eyes literally pops out of her face. Gosh, this girl really needs to learn how to take compliments.

"That just scratches the surface of the good things I've to say about you. I mean, I think you're a lot more than just that," I smile.

"I..could get used to this!" she sighs, "Ugh, if only your kindness could somehow help me pay the bills."

I turn to her "You know, I'm a part of this wedding business industry too now. We could team up as affiliates."

Piyuu immediately perks up. Her eyes start, I kid you not, sparkling.

"That'd be perfect! We could refer clients to each other, and offer packaged deals, and share trade secrets, and hang out.."

I stop her, "Woah, slow down there. So, I guess, that's something you've thought about before too, then?"

Her face suddenly gets more awkward than I even thought was possible.

"Well, maybe once. Or twice.." she mumbles.

Oh, Piyuu. Sweet sweet Piyuu, never change.

"Don't be embarassed. You're completely right on all accounts!" I smile.

To Be Continued✨

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