✨ Final Chapter ✨

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"Just because you can't handle something, doesn't mean it's terrible!" Nini yells.

"Didn't we agree I was going to handle this?"

"You were standing there like a deer in the headlights as soon as you were faced with a challenge!"

"Okay, this was completely uncalled for! What's with your attitude today?"

"My attitude? All I was trying to do is help. You're the one who's making this difficult!"

"Since when is forcing your will on everyone considered helpful? This is exactly why Aria and Luhan didn't hire you!" I admit, I might've gone a little overboard with this one but he called for it! He's got to face my ego if he wakes it up.

"Enough!" Luhan cuts off with brutal efficiency.

"You know what? Executive Decision. Neither of you will be involved in the cake making process. Aria and I'll decide on the style and the flavor together. And you both will leave us to do that" Luhan orders.

Does that mean I'm fired?

I gasp, "Wait, you're not gonna-"

Luhan stops me, raising a hand to my face, "We'll talk tomorrow. For now, you both need to go!"

"Fine!" Nini growls with a loud thud on the table.


We both grab our stuff and march out of the shop. The minute the door shuts, Nini's telling me off again.

"What's your problem?" he growls.

"My problem? What's your problem?" I growl back.

He crosses his arms, "Don't avoid the question."

"Fine!" I stomp forward. He glares at me, fire in his eyes. But I'm not scared anymore.

"My problem is named Kim Jongin, and he's standing infront of me right now, pissing me out!" I growl.

"Cut it out, Niki. It's obvious you're trying to hide behind your wit so you won't have to acknowledge your bad behaviour," Nini snaps.

"You need to learn how to take constructive criticism!" Nini steps closer again, so he's right in front if me now.

My hands ball up into fists, "You know what? Here's some constructive criticism: SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

That clearly catches him off guard. Drops of water fall on my bare skin. We both look up and notice it's slightly raining. But I need to finish this conversation, here and now.

I take a deep breath and speak again, "You know, for a while, I was starting to think I might've been wrong about you. Hell, there were a few times when I thought we might be having..something."

I sigh deeply, "But it turns out that I was right all along. You're an arrogant control-freak who just can't appreciate things for how they are!" My voice gets harden but at the same time very hoarse.

Even as I say the words, though, I'm walking toward him. As if drawn by some impossible gravity that I can't resist.

"And you're..an immature hothead who's so self-centered that you think it's a personal attack whenever something doesn't go your way!" he speaks as his voice slowly gets softer and subtle.

As he speaks, he's moving towards me now. My heart's beating a mile a minute.

What. Is. Happening?

"Admit it. You're just mad that some nobody wedding planner sees beyond your cocky millionaire act," I say.

The rain gets faster, making it difficult for us to hear each other.

"You're scared that I'm the only one who calls out your flaws rather than gushing about how amazing you are!" his voice isn't loud anymore. He's angrily hissing.

He's so close now that I can practically feel his breath over my face.

"Did you just call me..amazing?" I whisper.

"Niki, I-" he trails off.

The rain is now a storm. It's better to go right now. And I think I'm done saying what I had to say. Except one thing..

"I quit. You can handle your sister's wedding however you want. Or you can find a wedding planner who's not an immature, hothead, egoish, self-centered, unprofessional brat and can actually arrange this perfectly. Goodbye forever, Mr. Kim," I whimper, trying to push back the lump forming in my throat and walk away from him.

Within a split second, he runs after me and grabs my hand with so much force that it hurts. He stops right in front of me, our faces an inch away.

Our eyes lock, there's a stillness, like the moment when you see the lightening and then you hear the thunder.

"What are you doi-"

Before I can finish, he presses his lips on mine. Adrenaline takes over. He kisses me passionately, and I kiss him back.

"Do you know how long I've wanted to do this?" he whispers.

I stand on my tiptoes, kiss my way along his jaw up to his ear, and whisper, "How long?"

He cups my chin in his hands and twists my face towards him again to kiss me once more, hard.

"From the moment I first laid eyes on you.." he whispers.

Our mouths come together again and it's like nothing I ever felt before.

Is this love? Is this hate? I don't care anymore. Every move he makes sets my body on fire. And it's so.... damn.... good.

I wrap my arms even tighter around his shoulder. Half elated, half terrified that he'll vanish if I don't hang on.

His breathing grows ragged. And I could swear I feel the blood in my veins turn to ice.

Just when it seems that I'm ready to die in euphoria, he pushes me away. A look of horror in his face.

"What am I doing?" he mumbles.

I try to formulate the perfect comeback. Something that will explain what just happened and resolve the mess that we undoubtedly just made.

But my brain's far too scrambled. I can only manage to choke out one word, "Nini-"

"I've to go!" he blurts out and turns to leave. I stare, rooted to the spot, until he turns a corner and disappears.

What the fuck just happened?

The End ✨

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