✨ Chapter 30 ✨

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"I also thought so. But I'm having second thoughts about it these days," she breathes.

"Second thoughts? Like?" I ask.

"My dream was to be a singer, but I've always been too afraid of making that jump. Specially in Korea, where the industry's more dangerous than snakes. I was never into dresses, I just badly needed a job and choosed the path easier for me. But now that I think about it, making money isn't enough. Some part of me still wants to go for music. And seeing you pursue your passions make me want to pursue mine. I want to stop being complacent with where I'm now," she says.

"Piyuu, you know, I'm not exactly a role model. I mean, I'm flattered that I inspired you, but I hope you know that I'm far from the perfect example. I do totally support you. It's just..I just might not be the best person to ask for advice. I did just almost lose my first wedding gig, remember?" I say.

Piyuu laughs, "It's the drive in you that counts. And your bravery. You don't necessarily have to be perfect to inspire someone."

I nod, "Yeah, I guess you're right but I still don't go up to the standards you're putting on me. I only took the wedding planner job because I was jobless and it was an open and easy path to regain a job for me. I didn't grow up with any passion towards it like your passion for music. Yes, I do find passion in this now but it occured after I started it. I blew up my first job whereas you're still doing amazing at your current job. I think you're far better a role model than me."

I put a hand on her shoulder, "Your dream is amazing. You'll be great at that. I know I haven't spent a ton of time around you or known you for too long but I can hear the passion in your voice. You absolutely have the drive to do whatever you want, you always had. I support you one hundred percent and I'm so proud of you."

She smiles, "Thanks a lot, Niki. It means a lot to hear you say that."

I shake my head, "Nope, thanks isn't enough. You need to sing me a song and also write one for me when you become famous and also giveaway my wedding planner cards to your fans. Oh wait, who'd make dresses for my clients if you become a singer?"

"You're hillarious!" she laughs and raises her glass.

"A toast to you, the coolest friend a person can hope for," she says.

"And to you, for saving my butt today and making this awesome dinner. I appreciate you suffering through an entire week with me," I laugh.

"There's no place I'd rather be," she smiles.


It's Saturday morning, and I'm at the restaurant, setting up for the shower, and actually feeling not terrible?

I hope this confidence isn't misplaced.

The paper flowers that Piyuu and I made look incredible on the tables. That was such a good move.

I start my way to our side of the venue. To get to that side, you've to walk through the bigger room that I tried to book for the shower at first.

In retrospect, I'm kind of glad we didn't get this one. It's way too goudy. I'd even go as far as to say tacky..

I gaze around the room. Due to walking too carelessly, I get hit with a person.

"I'm so sorry-"

"Piyuu?! You here?"

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"Piyuu?! You here?"

She sighs, "You're a sight for sore eyes. Today has been the worst."

Obviously, she isn't at all surprised to see me because I'm supposed to be here. But I still don't have any idea why she's here, and also why for work purpose. Are the people who booked the bigger side is her client?

"Are you working here?" I ask. She nods in respond.

I guess the wedding planning world is really a very small one. But why won't she bring it up even once yesterday?

"..and I was somehow needed to be present and working even at the wedding day. I got a call this morning and I couldn't get a scope to breath ever since," she sighs.

That explains it.

"Anything I can do to help?" I ask.

"Not really, but it's sweet of you to offer. It's just been a really rough one," she exhales.

"Let me guess, nightmare clients?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

Before she gets a chance to answer my question, a shrill voice echoes through the restaurant.


Oh god, I know that voice really well.

Sara emerges from the back and starts blurting out in one breath, "There you are! Where have you been?! You need to get back to the main room and help me. I-"

When she sees me, her face twists.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" she scoffs.

This isn't happening. There's no fucking way this is happening. Breath, Niki, breath. It's fine. It's alright. It could've been worse. At least she's not with-

"Niki, I told you clearly to stay away!" Atif emerges with her too.

I take that back. It's the worst thing that can happen.

"This morning, I got a call from Sara and I got to know that Atif and Sara booked this restaurant for their wedding," Piyuu whispers in my ear.

Yep, worst thing that can happen to me.

She lowers her voice even more, "I wanted to inform you. But I've been so busy that I didn't even get a chance to hold my phone. I'm sorry, Niki."

I sigh, "It's alright."

No, it's not alright.

Aria's bridal shower AKA my last chance at succeeding as a wedding planner, doesn't start for an hour, and it looks like I'm already doomed.

"I always knew you were trouble, Niki. But I've to admit, I never thought you'd sink this low!" he growls.

To Be Continued

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