✨ Chapter 37 ✨

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He nods proudly, "I want to be a hoho. Can you feed me wall?"

Well, now this is getting really weird.

"I'm bored!" he groans angrily crossing his arms.

"Well, how about we play Piano Tiles on Niki's phone?" I force a smile and pull out my phone, opening Piano tile, the hottest mobile game of like a few years ago.

I totally still have it on my phone for emergency situations like this, and not because I'm lifeless and slightly addicted or anything. I fucking swear!

I turn to Samin, "Okay, so the object of the game is to tap on the piano tiles and avoid touching the-"

Samin yanks the phone out of my hand and starts tapping furiously.

"This is fun!" he yells and within five seconds, the words Perfect Score flash across the screen.

What the-? I've been stuck in level 158 for months! And he just hit the perfect score in first try? I wonder if there's a Piano tiles Esports League. I'll have to tell Ripa eonnie to look into the matter. This boy can really slay championships.

"Uhm, excuse me, Niki? There's someone in the other room who'd like to talk to you?" the female voice draws my attention, and I face Wendy, wearing the same frown on her face like when I first saw her.

Fucking hells.

I nod, "Would you mind telling me if it happened to be the bride or the groom?"

"The groom," she answers.


"I see.." I whisper, my voice tensed.

"Please believe me when I say I didn't want to trouble you or disturb your event. But-" she pauses to let out a frustrated sigh.

"He's going to make your life a living hell if you don't get him everything the way he wants it? I know. I can relate," my voice sympathizing her.

"I..can't say things like that about our guests," she mumbles. Whew, poor thingy.

"That's understandable. And don't you worry, I'll go talk to him," I promise.

"Thank you so much," she mutters under her breath and turns to leave.

What's wrong with him? I'm pretty sure I didn't interrupt them. I didn't even get a scope to think about their existence in this building then what does he want to talk about?

My thoughts are startled by the sound of Samin's whining. As I turn to look at him, I notice the phone screen is black.

Uh oh, I should've charged the phone. I definitely would've done it last night if I knew this emergency is going to pop up.

I sigh and begin to explain, "I'm so sorry, Samin. It looks like my phone is dead. And I don't really have a power bank or anything so-"

"What should I do?" he asks before I can finish.

Shit, Niki. Think of something!

"Let's play Simon says, I'll be Simon," I suggest, eyeing him curiously. I hope he doesn’t hate the idea.

After a moment of deep thinking, he agrees.

"Amazing!" I yell.

Mhm, let's see what we've got here. Reporter stuff..love for dogs..trying to get Niki to watch Babylon 5.. Okay, I'm there.

"Simon says..laugh!" Before I finish, Samin immediately breaks out laughing hysterically like I said the funniest joke in the world. Woah, kids do have supernatural powers. I wish I could do that, I could've avoided getting highly awkward when my boss cracked some lame deadass joke and I couldn’t laugh even after forcing all my will powers.

"Next?" Samin asks.

"Simon says, jump up and down," I say and without any hesitation, Samin immediately begins to jump.

Now, it's time for the main trick.

"Simon says..sit down criss-cross apple-sauce and zip your lips," I bite my lips nervously.

But lo and behold, he actually does it! I've got this babysitting thing down this pat. Now, unfortunately, I've to go handle something much worse.


I follow the greeter back to the groom's dressing room (apparently they've got enough wedding going on here to justify that shit?) and see Atif there, waiting for me.

"I heard you wanted to talk, Atif?" I whisper in the calmest voice I can possess.

"Yes, I want to!" he growls abruptly "Niki, just stop stalking me and Sara!"

"Like hell, I'd stalk you!" I growl, crossing my arms "I don't have so much free time!"

He frowns, "Yeah, right. Seems just a little too convenient to me that you just happened to show up at our wedding!"

"Why'd I want to stalk someone as awful as you, Atif?" I raise my eyebrows "Stalking is a horrible thing to do, and creepy as well. And definitely not something I'd ever want to do to anyone..but even if that was the case, I'm pretty sure that there are ton of people in the world who'd be way more fun and interesting to stalk than you!" I groan.

I can see his face exploding in the disrespect, he's always been like this. Another oversized toddler I had to babysit.

"I don't buy it," he scoffs, "After we broke up, you wouldn’t stop calling me for months!"

"That's because you stole my favourite throw blanket when we were moving out and you refused to give it back to me," I let him sink to the reality, that my purpose was as little as a fucking blanket. I don’t know about Atif, but I can't get over that blanket. I really thought I'd forget about it as soon as I buy a new one, but apparently, that didn't happen. It was just so soft. I feel like crying over it everytime I remember its softness.

"Seriously, Niki? You think that's convincing? After that, I didn't see you for two fucking years. And then suddenly, when I've decided to get married, I see you again and not only once but twice in one damn week? Do you really think we're that stupid to not understand, huh?" he growls aloud.

To Be Continued

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