✨Chapter 57✨

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"While I totally appreciate the offer, I think that I'm actually quite capable of dressing and undressing by myself.." he whispers in a low, shivery tone. Why's my entire body so hot?! It feels like I'm burning, melting, it feels like a freaking sauna in here.

What's happening to me?

"Suit yourself. I'll be just outside," I say.

Nini smirks a little as he rolls his toned shoulders out of his shirt. Is he doing that on purpose? "I'll be sure to call you if I need anything," he whispers. So, there's no way that didn't mean something, alright, no freaking way.


Nini steps out of the changing room a few minutes later.

"Okay, what do you think?" he asks.

What do I think? What do YOU think you're doing, Kim Jongin?

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What do I think? What do YOU think you're doing, Kim Jongin?

At this point, I'm pretty sure he called me to give me a heart-attack. I've never seen something quite far like that, he's a vision I can't take my eyes off of.

"Niki? Aren’t you gonna say anything?" Taemin asks.

"I..Damn, you look..like the best thing I've ever seen!" I blurt out.

Nini chuckles, "Taemin really knocked this one out of the park, didn't he?"

"You always look good, Nini. But this is a whole another level," I smile.

"I totally agree!" Taemin exclaims, "And also, this is some crazy luck right here. I'm not even gonna need to tailor this at all!"

Nini shakes his head, "Are you sure? I'm sure there will be a few places that need-"

"Nope! I refuse to mess with perfection," he laughs.

"Great, I'll get changed and then you can ring me up," Nini says.

"This might be the fastest I've ever gotten a customer in and out," Taemin comments. Nini laughs and fist bumps him. Giving me a last look with a smile, he makes his way back to the changing room. Once he's out of sight, Taemin smirks and speaks quietly to me.

"So, Niki, just saying, I Couldn't help but notice that you seem exactly like the type of girl Jongin is into. Are you two a thing?"

A thing?

"Define A thing to me," I say.

"You know what I mean, come on!" he whispers.

I laugh, "Yeah, yeah, I know. But what made you think that? Because I doubt that he even considers me as a friend."

"And what gives you that idea? I don’t think it's usual that people call out strangers to help them pick an outfit," he crosses his arms.

"Well, the only reason why he asked me to accompany him to come here was because I'm the wedding planner of his sister's wedding," I respond. At least, that's what I believe so far.

"It barely qualifies as a duty of a wedding planner, ma'am. Don’t be so ignorant. It could be a sign," Taemin adds. Wait, he does make a fair point. Nini's quite smart. Does he really not know what I think, or..? Dare I entertain the possibility that Taemin's right?

"And yes, obviously, it's upto you, you want it or not. But if you wanted to be a thing, I'm sure I can see he's quite interested in you. I at least know him that much," Taemin shrugs.

"But how can you assume this? You've seen us for like, twenty minutes maximum. Isn’t this too quick to come in a conclusion?" I ask.

"Nope, when you know, you know. As I said before, you've got everything that he likes in a girl. And the way he looks at you makes it clear that you’re the particular girl he likes," Taemin winks. My feet are practically shaking at this point.

Suddenly, Taemin frowns, looking at my face, "Well, why you care about all this? Forget what he thinks, what do you think?"

I feel like I'm going to die any given moment now. My whole face is flashing and burning. I've never felt quite this way to any question anyone ever asked me. My heart's beating a million miles per second.

I think, this change of my heart rate is visible physically. Taemin smirks, "I knew it! You two have some serious sparks flying, for your information."

Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh!

"I-Thank you. But please don't say anything to him, please," I practically beg him, I think I'd even fall on my knees if needed.

He laughs, "Okay, it's better if you say it to him anyways. So good luck with that."

"Any..advice? Since you two seem to be very close," I ask in a small voice. My voice so low in fear that he might hear me.

Taemin smirks, "Uh huh? Now we're talking. Just be yourself, as you're already a perfect match for him. Jongin can be kinda proud. But he's got a good heart and a good head."

"And a good face," I giggle. He also grins and points a finger at me, "You. I like you. Don't forget to hit me up and inform when you succeed."

Just at that moment, Nini emerges from the changing room again, back in his normal clothes.

"Hello, you two. Taemin, what are you smirking about?" Nini asks.

"Oh, nothing. Niki and I were just talking about guys," Taemin says

"Guys?" Nini raises an eyebrow.

"Yep, like what's her ideal type of guy and I found out that matches me really well," Taemin says. What a creativity, Taemin.

"Really?" Nini says in a hoarse voice. Why do I feel like he looks upset? Goodness, is he jealous? He gives me a side glance and immediately looks away. In fact, he seems kinda angry with me.

"By the way, what were the points, Niki? Like your ideal type.." Nini asks in a passive-aggressive tone.

"Um, can we just ring up this tux? I think it's getting late," I blurt out.

Translation: I'm gonna die of embarrassment if this conversation doesn’t stop immediately.

Taemin nods "Of course, this way, monsieur and mademoiselle."

To Be Continued

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