✨ Chapter 50 ✨

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"The only thing we need is food and decorations. And, oh! We want it to be eighties themed, everyone dressed up like the eighties so it really feels like we're back there.." Hera adds in, as I quickly scribble keywords in my notepad.

"I think I can handle that," I say. I think this might be the easiest job I've ever got.

You always say that, Niki. Have you ever tried doing anything on an eighties theme? Do you have any idea what type of fuckery that even is? No? Yeah, goodluck.

I shake my thoughts away, "You can count on me. Your dream wedding's on good hands."

Hera gently takes my hands in hers and squeezes firmly, "You're making two old birds very happy, sweetheart."

Aww, isn’t she the sweetest?

I shake hands with the man and take my leave.


The next few weeks pass by in a blur. I get everything ready for Suho and Hera's wedding like a champ.

It's the day of, and I've crossed literally everything off the list, except for my own outfit. Classic me.

..which is why I've enlisted Piyuu's expertise.

"This is the place," she points at a building and we get inside.

"Whoa, this is..far from what I'd expected.." I gasp. This is not like any clothing shop that I've ever been in Pakistan, or anywhere, as a matter of fact.

"I know it's a little unconventional, but it's really hard to find period appropriate outfits in most stores," Piyuu says coyly.

"I was afraid of that. I should've ordered something earlier. But I've just been so busy!" I sigh.

"It's okay. I know this place is kind of weird. But it's one of my most favourite spots. I come here all the time for inspiration for my own boutique. And so, I'm pretty sure I can find you something that'll make it work!" Piyuu assures. Phew, you better do, Piyuu.

"Piyuu, I trust you with my life..and my outfit," I toss my head.

She gasps, "That's alot of pressure. I don't think I'm qualified enough to be responsible for someone's life but I can definitely help you in finding a dress."

We look around the shop for a while, trying to find an eighties theme match. Suho and Hera will be so happy if we can find me something. It'll really fit their whole theme, and they'll be so happy if I went all out. They're really trying to make it feel like the eighties, I gotta do everything in a way that it makes them feel like they're travelling back in time.

"Wait, Niki, look at this, this is just perfect!" Piyuu snaps all of a sudden. I follow her voice to find her standing in front of one of the blocks, a cute eighties themed dress in her hand.

"Oh wow, I can't believe you found something like that, that quick," I say as I approach her.

She jumps in excitement, "Yep! Me neither! Now you've to try on, you must!"

I think this woman might happen to explode if I don't try it on.

"Okay, okay.." I laugh and make my way to the dressing room.


When I return, Piyuu's already gasping. My reaction was same when I saw myself in the mirror. This is such a cute dress!

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