✨ Chapter 18 ✨

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Wedding gitters check.

Okay, I clearly didn’t expect Aria out of everyone to get wedding gitters. She's always so excited. I look back at her. She's still sobbing hysterically.

"Hey, come on, Aria! I know you're stronger than this!" I say patting her back.

"But I'm still nervous. What if U can't do this? What if I'm not ready or matured enough for this? Will I mess up my entire life?" she blurts out, again forgetting to breath.

"I think you never give yourself enough credit, sis," Nini says.

"Well, first of all, you need to know that these feelings are going to pass. You have my words in that. Second, you're totally not the first person to have a pre-wedding freakout," I assure her. She looks up to meet my eyes.

"She's right. I'd say that the majority of people go through something similiar to this," Nini adds in.

"Probably you're right. But it's just..scary. It's such a big adult thing to do," Aria mutters.

I nod, "Of course it is! Getting married is a real big deal. It totally makes sense that you’d have some strong emotions going on about it. But that isn't something wrong. Or that you can't handle it. You’ve got both me and Nini on your side. We're not going to let anything happen to you. Got it?"

Nini reaches out and takes her hand, "She's right, sissy. You should listen to her. Everything's gonna be fine. Believe me. I promise you."

Aria nods and wipes her eyes.

"I've been looking out for you since you were a small baby. Have I ever let anything happen to you?" Nini asks. Aria shakes her head.

Nini smiles, "So, do you really think I'm gonna let anything mess with my favourite little sister now?"

Aria again shakes her head again, smiling.

"I guess not. It's just such a big change. And of course, I knew it was happening, and I want it to happen. But the thing is, now it's all real. And real is scary," she says.

"Aria, be honest, do you actually have doubts about marrying Luhan?" I say hesitantly. Everyone gives me a shocked gaze. Oh no.

"Well, don't get me wrong, sometimes fear can be a helpful tool, like our brain is trying to signal us that something isn’t quite right. Do you think that could be it?" I ask.

Nini's eyes pop open at my direction in surprise, "That's a good point!" he says.

Is it weird that I'm nervous about this? But as soon as I think it, Aria shakes her head.

"No, definitely not. I love him and I absolutely want to get married to him," she says. Oh thank God.

"Then we can rule that out, at least," Nini says.

"I think it's just hard for me to conceptualize this level of commitment. It feels really grown up and permanent," she says.

"That's natural. And you're not a bad person for feeling that way. If it was me in your shoes, I'd feel the pressure too. But in the end, you and Luhan are a team. And you'll get through it together. That's what love is all about. You get through the big, scary stuff together and overcome," I say.

Nini nods, "Agreed. And I know for a fact that how much you and Luhan love each other and what a dream team you are. I'm pretty sure there's nothing you two can't handle."

I don't want to jinx it. But I think Aria is coming around.

"And you two make a pretty good pep-talk team as well, you know that?" Aria says looking between me and Nini.

Excuse me? Nini and I glance at each other. He smirks and gives me a wink.

..that's a switch. No no no, I need to look away. I turn back to Aria.

"You can absolutely do this, Aria. Nini and I will be here for you the whole time. And if you get overwhelmed again, we can always take a break," I say.

"We're always here for you," Nini adds in.

"Thanks, you guys!" she exclaims.

"Do you want to continue with the dresses?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think I'm ready!" she says. Nini squeezes her knee.

"I'm proud of you, sis," he says.

"Thanks, bro!" Aria replies.

Nini stands on his feet to walk outside but suddenly turns, and (in a plot twist shocking everyone) offers a hand to help me up.

I..don't know what to do. Well, well, well, can't let this offer down no matter how much I want to.

I take his hand. His hand wraps around mine, warm and strong, and he lifts me up from the floor with ease.

"We'll let you get changed, Aria. But we'll be right outside in case you need anything," he says.

Aria nods and Nini and I duck out. I feel like I should give him a high five.

Eh, maybe not.

"Thanks for doing that, Niki. And thanks for making me come along. I think that went pretty well," he says.

I flip my hair, "You're welcome."

"I must admit that I'm impressed. You handled what could've easily turned out to be a disaster with both grace and professionalism," Nini says with a small curve of smile.

"Am I crazy or did you really just compliment me?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

Nini smirks a little. This expression looks kind of..nice on him.

"I give them out when they're deserved. And at times like these, I'm pretty good at it," his smile suddenly fades off as he puts on glasses and continues, "But that doesn’t mean you're off the hook, though."

No way, I'm not gonna let Mr. Handsome smug face ruin a nice moment.

I shake my head, "Of course not. I'm just glad I could help. Aria is amazing. I don't like seeing her upset. I'm really glad that we could do something that made her feel better."

To Be Continued✨

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