✨Chapter 14✨

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"So?" I raise an eyebrow.

She sighs, "So..the reason we needed a wedding planner so last-minute is because my father was going to be helping out behind the scenes."


I scowl at her, "What do you mean was?"

She looks down on the floor, her eyes almost teary, "Kyungsoo and he had a big fight and now..my dad says he's not coming to the wedding."

I gasp, "Not coming? That must've been one heck of a fight."

She nods, "It is, but also it's stupid, actually. My father just doesn’t appreciate his career choice or the music he makes because he belongs to a pop band. Kyungsoo planned a surprise special song that he wrote for me but when dad found out he just.. flipped."

I squint my eyes. That's so childish of him for real.

I narrow my eyes, "Why do you think he reacted so strongly?"

She sobs, "My father seems to think that Kyungsoo cares about making it big than he cares about me. Which is absolutely not true. He doesn't understand that Kyungsoo getting to follow his dreams and his success is important to me as well. And I mean, I really love his music. In fact, he featured me on his album! And it means the world to me that he wrote a song dedicating to me, you know?"

I nod, "So..he's just..being protective?" Honestly, I don't know how else to put it without sounding like a bitch ass. This is the worst kind of parenting job I've heard. Not like, I'd see myself as a great parent but honestly? I would've never suck so big.

Chaeyeon nods, "Yeah, in his own way. But what he doesn't understand is that his protectiveness is affecting our relationship and hurting my feelings."

Man, this is fucked up. I didn’t exactly come prepared to deal with a family crisis of this magnitude.

"I'm really sorry for you, Chaeyeon," I say with puppy eyes. My best attempt at comforting someone I barely know.

"Hey, it's okay Niki. No need to be sorry or anything. In fact, I'm very excited to get married to Kyungsoo. And you know that I'm going to do it with or without my father's presence," she assures. Well, atleast she's positive. That's all that matters.

"It'd just be like..the icing on the cake to have him here, you know right?" she whispers hoarsely. Okay, nevermind. She's just trying to be positive.

"It seems like what you need is a neutral party to be the middleman while you all talk it out," I say.

"Wait..Niki! Would you really do that for us?" she stares at me with huge hopeful eyes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I wasn't really thinking when I was speaking, sis. I was definitely not suggesting myself  as the middleman.

"I know it's a lot to ask for. But I think you're right and it could make all the difference!" she says.

Oops, did I just overcommit? She has some serious puppy eyes going on here.

"Please Niki! It'd mean the world to me & Kyungsoo!" she pleads more. Okay, guess I've got no choice.

I nod and fake a smile, "Okay, let's see if we can make it right then!"

I hope I don't regret this. There's a very real possibility that I might make everything even, way more worse.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she rushes forward and pulls me into a hug.

I laugh, "Don't thank me yet. I haven’t done anything yet."

"Come on, let's get Kyungsoo! My dad's house is just outside the city, so we can just take a cab," she pulls my hands and runs out of the hall.


When we get to Chaeyeon's father's house, Chaeyeon knocks the front door. A few moments later, it swings open and a man balks in the doorway.

"Chaeyeon!" he hisses out.

This man is elegant, matured and smart-looking in a way that I'm immediately terrified of displeasing him.

"Uncle, please.. We just want to talk," Kyungsoo says.

"I've already said everything I needed to say. There's nothing more to discuss," he says.

Yikes, mega yikes.

"Dad.." Chaeyeon whispers.

Chaeyeon's father sets his eyes on me next and scowls even harder. I can't feel my legs anymore.

"And who's this?" he scowls.

"I'm..Nikita. I'm here to help-"

Before I can finish, he yells at me, "This is a private affair."

"Not anymore," I say, "Listen, you owe it to your daughter to hear her out. I know this must be hard for you. Marrying off your child has to be very difficult. And marrying her off to the last person you would've chosen probably just makes it even more harder," I say.

"It does," he whispers.

"But again, think it through. Ask yourself, don't you want to be a part of her special day? Do you really want to look back on this day years from now with sadness and bitterness? Your daughter is getting married. This is supposed to be beautiful."

"But.." he mumbles low.

Finally, he steps aside to let us in. His place is bougie as fuck. I'm even afraid to breath. But at least, we're in! Now we've to cut the awkward silence.

"Okay, now everyone, this is your opportunity to get it all out there. We should make the most of it," I say in a tone of declaration.

Chaeyeon nods, "Dad, this fight is silly. I want Kyungsoo and you to get along. I need you both in my life!"

"I still don't understand how could've you fallen for a kpop idol, Chaeyeon. I raised you to become a scholar, you lived in highly society. Only a failure of a person will pursue career as some pop artist" he groans inwardly.

Chaeyeon is so sweet, but when her father says that, she looks like she's about to grow fangs and eat everyone up.

"There's no need to insult anyone, Sir!" I say.

To Be Continued

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