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"Keira!" Ms.Grant yelled her assistants name from her office. Kara got up an ran into Cat's office. "Close the doors and sit" Cat demanded.

"Yes Ms.Grant" Kara said, closing the doors and sitting at Cat's desk. Kara is Cat Grant's 24-year-old assistant. She has a very bouncy personality, and dresses like what some would say a geek sometimes.

"I have a job for you," Cat pitched.

Kara nodded, worried that she was getting fired. "Are you firing me Ms.Grant?"

"No, I'm sending you to do an interview with Him" Cat said pointing at someone who was walking into the office. Kara turned and saw her cousin, Clark Kent, aka Superman. Of course Cat Grant knew neither of those secrets.

"Kara!" He said blissfully, giving is cousin a hug.

"Clark, how's Metropolis?" Kara asked. Cat watched the ordeal in shock and confusion.

"It's been great, Lois missed you" Clark replies, pausing up his glasses. Not that he needed them. Nor did Kara.

"You two know each other, how?" Cat asked. They both turned and faced Cat.

"He's my cousin, Ms.Grant" Kara said softly. Cat's eyes widened.

"You are related to Clark Kent, and I never knew this?" Cat repeated in shock.

"It was never really a secret" Clark said. Cat looked from Kara to Clark.  Taking in their bike structures and facial features.

"You two do kind of look alike," She pointed out.  They both nervously chuckled. "Anyways Keira, I am sending you to interview Lena Luthor, Mr. Kent is going to be supervising you" Cat said quickly changing the subject.

"B-But I'm not a reporter?"Kara said nervously. Cat scoffed and looked up at Kara.

"And you never will be if you don't do what your boss asks if you, so go!" She said firmly. Kara and Clark left and headed for L-Corp.

"So is this your first big interview?" Clark asked. Kara nodded.

"I've never interviewed anybody, what if I make a mistake?" Kara rambled nervously. Or-or what if I'm not good enough?" She continued.

"Kara you will be great, I can promise you that? All though I don't trust Lena Luthor" Clark admitted.

"Why? You've never even met her," Kara stated. He gave Kara a concerned looks.

"Uh she's a Luthor, and not to mention she is Lex Luthor's sister" Clark said. Kara made an 'o' shape with her mouth. As the approached the entrance of L-Corp, Kara got a weird sensation in her stomach. They walked inside and ride the elevator up to the 26th floor.

"Hi I'm K-Kara Danvers I'm with Cat-Co world wide media and this is Clark Kent with the daily planet, we're her to see Ms.Luthor"  Kara said softly.

"Ms.Luthor, the reporters are here" her assistant said through her intercom.

"Send them in" Miss Luthor replied. Her assistant pointed and told us to knock on the door. We walked in and my jaw nearly hit the floor. A beautiful young raven haired woman stood by the balcony of the room. When she turned her emerald green eyes met mine.

"Uh-um Miss Luthor we are here because of the-" Kara started.

"My spot on the rocket that was supposed take off but didn't?" She said in a slightly bitchy tone. Kara looked over at Clark who just shrugged his shoulders.

"What kind of reporter are you?" She asked.

"Excuse me?" Kara asked.

"What kind of reporter looks at another reporter for help, I'm assuming that's what that look was for?" She stated.

"Well I'm not a reporter, My boss just sent me for the interview" Kara responded.

"So why isn't Mr.Kent here doing the interview?" Miss Luthor asked.

"Beca-" Clark started.

"You're waiting our time by asking pointless questions for would you please just let us do our jobs!" Kara snapped. Lena raised her eyebrows.  Clark leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Good going Kara," he pat her on the shoulder and started asking questions. Kara stayed silent the entire interview. When Lena wasn't facing her Kara rolled her eyes at Lena's comments and remarks. By the end of the interview, Kara had no patience left.

"Well it was nice meeting you" Lena said.

"Oh yeah, very nice" Kara said under her breath.

"What was that?" Lena asked looking at Kara.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all," Kara replied. She waved her off and they left.

"Good going Kara, are you trying ruin your career before it even starts?"Clark asked just before the door shut.

"It's not my fault she's such a bitch" Kara said crossing her arms.

"We don't let judgements get in the way when you're  a reporter" Clark said.

"What do you call what you did?" Kara asked bitterly.  She didn't give him time to answer before leaving L-Corp and heading back to Cat-Co.

When she arrived at Cat-Co alone, she scurried last Ms.Grant's office and headed to her desk. "Keira!" Ms.Grant called.

"Y-Yes Ms.Grant?" Kara replied. Cat was angry.

"In my office now!" Cat's voice was booming. Kara walked into her office. "Would you mind telling me why I send you for an interview and your 'Freeze' before you can even start?" Cat asked angrily.

"I-I'm So-sorry" Kara explained. Cat scoffed.

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to Ms.Luthor at the charity ball tomorrow, she had hope for you when you walked in" Cat said. "You're lucky I'm not firing you, now get out and go home!" She yelled. And Kara did so.  She went down to Noonan's to meet Alex.


"So How was work today Kara?" Alex asked. I rolled my eyes and just barely slouched over the table.

"That bad?" Alex asked. Kara nodded.

"Ms.Grant sent me in an interview with Kal, and she was such a bitch" Kara admitted. "I never thought it was possible for me to hate someone but I hate her" Kara whispered.

"Kara!" The waitress called out. She walked up and grabbed their order.

"You, hate someone?" Alex said a little too loudly.

"I'm sure that person feels the same way" Lara heard a very familiar voice says. She turned and saw her. Lena.

"And who are you?" Kara asked pretending not to know her.

"Just someone expressing an opinion" Lena said. Kara walked past her and out the door.

"I'm sorry about her, she's having a bad week" Alex said.

"I can hear you!" Kara said from outside. Lena laughed.

"You shouldn't make your girlfriend wait" Lena said. Now it was Alex's turn to laugh.

"She is my sister, and she is straighter that that sight out there" Alex said before leaving.  "So who was that?" Alex asked.

"That was her, and we could've gotten out had you not been so loud!" Kara said angrily. Alex laughed.  Kara walked away. "You can starve tonight, I will go home and eat my potstickers with the cat!" Kara said.

"You don't have a cat" Alex said as she ran to catch up with Kara. They walked back to Kara's apartment so they could enjoy their sisters night.

A/N: I actually love the plot I've come up with for the story. I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter.

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