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"Because I'm not Kryptonian..." Kara's voice turned all heads. "Anymore!" She charged at Lex and sunk her teeth into his skin. Sucking every ounce of blood from him, tearing him apart, and making him feel the pain he had caused her for five years. "This is for taking my life away from me!" With one final bite and he was dead. His body hit the floor with a thud.

"H-how?" Lena asked in shock at what she had just seen. Kara wiped her face.

"I'm supposed to be dead," Kara said.

"Those coffees you had, were from me and they had my blood in them." Katherine said. Kara rushes towards her and hugged her tightly. "This is for you, you'll need it." She handed her a blue ring and she placed it on her finger.

"What happened in here?" Alex asked. Kara turned.

"Alex!" Kara cried as she rushed to her sister. She wrapped her in the largest hug possible.

"Kara oh my god!" Alex said as she hugged back. "Is it really you? Kara nodded. They checked everyone out and got Lex's body out of the office.

"Oh, I should send an email, Cat-co is closed for the next month with pay." She sped over to the computer and sent the email. She typed the email and sent it to everyone. "Done." She saw Lena standing there, confused. "Lena, will you take a walk with me?" Kara asked. Lena nodded and followed her out. When the were alone, Lena spoke.

"My best friend is a vampire," she said trying to convince herself it was real.

"Yes, and I'm sorry about killing him, it's just he took so much away from me in these past five years, that I just snapped." Kara said.

"I'm not mad, you saved me." Lena said with a smile plastered on her face.

"Of course I did, I love you." Kara said, stopping Lena in her tracks. She pushed Lena up against a wall and kissed her  roughly.  She placed kissed all over Lena's chest. She stopped when she got to her neck. Lena's pulse was speeding up.

"Kara?" Lena said. Kara placed her mouth to Lena's neck and  softly bit, drawing blood.

"Kara, Stop!" Katherine said. She turned and saw Alex and Katherine behind her.

"Shit, I'm sorry." Kara gave Lena her blood  to heal her. She sped off and went back to her apartment.

"Will she be able to control her hunger?" Lena asked.

"That's what I am here for, but you should know her emotions will be heightened times a thousand."


"What if I hurt Lena again?" Kara asked.

"Look that's why I am here, to help you control these urges." Katherine said. "Look, tomorrow we will  start to train you or really get you ready."

"We?" She asked.

"Alex and me," she said. "And Lena," she whispered.

"I don't want to hurt Lena again, and I certainly don't want to hurt Alex!" Kara said, slightly frustrated.

"Look, they know what to expect and like I said I can help you, tomorrow we will work on compulsion." Katherine said.

"That's not so bad," Kara shrugged.

"And feeding." She added.

"Katherine get to the fucking point when you tell me what's going on!" Kara shouted. "Don't lead me on."

As requested you wanted another chapter so here it is! I hope you enjoyed.

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