30~ Just a wild guess.

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The next day Kara sat in her new office enjoying the view. She heard a small tap on her door and turned. She saw Lena and waved her in. "I've been expecting you Ms.Luthor," Kara said. Lena arched an eyebrow.

"You were?" She asked. "Why?"

"I don't know, someone told me to expect you." Kara replied shrugging her shoulders.

"Well I was wondering if you would like to get lunch?" Lena asked.

"I would love to, I need a break from the office." Kara said. She grabbed her bag and coat and followed the young Luthor.

"I love your hair by the way Kara, it suits you." Kara played with a strand of her hair.

"Thank you," Kara replied. Lena nodded and they walked down to He car.

"You have a driver?" Kara asked. Lena nodded.

"It's easier to get around when you don't have to drive yourself." Lena replied. Kara nodded and got in next to Lena.

"So I was thinking maybe we could try that Chinese place down the street?" Kara asked.

"I would love that," Lena said. "We can even get extra Potstickers.

"I love Potstickers, how did you know that?" Kara asked.

"Just a wild guess," Lena shrugged. If she kept playing the cards she was she puked win back Kara as a friend.

"Well you're guess is correct, my fiancé still doesn't  understand my love for them, I might live Potstickers more then I love him." Lena felt a twinge of pain. She's engaged? And to a man!

"What's his name?" Lena asked

"Mike, he's from Berlin," Kara said.

"That's cool, did you know that I'm from Ireland?" Lena said.

"Really?" Kara asked. "I grew up in Dublin, I lived there from the time I was 9-13, and then we moved here" she added. "I was born in the stated though." Lena nodded. The continued to talk until the arrived to the Chinese resturant.

What did you guys think of this chapter? I loved it.

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