10~Don't keep her waiting, or she'll jump your bones.

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Once dinner was made, Lena found it hard to control herself. All she wanted was Kara, and she wanted her now. Kara had been teasing her throughout the prepping of the meal, and now, during it. Kara would lightly brush up against Lena and make it see Ike she was about to kiss her but would slip away from Lena's lips right before they made contact. "The meal is wonderful Lena," Kara complimented. Lena nodded.

"It wasn't just me, I had a little help" Lena shrugged letting a smile grow on her face. The continued eating and making small conversation.

"Would you excuse me, I'll be right back" Kara asked. Lena nodded and Kara left for the bathroom.  Not that she need to go. As she walked towards the bathroom,  she heard Lena's attempt at following her. She quickly turned around and sped to Lena, pressing her up against the wall. "Did you think I wouldn't hear you hear you?" Kara asked in a husky voice, suppressing a light moan from the brunette.

"I was hoping you wouldn't," Lena said. Before she could speak again Kara smashes her lips into Lena's and lifts her up, bringing her into the bedroom.  She placed her down and Lena pulled Kara on top of her. Each passing second an article of clothing was thrown to the floor. "You don't know how glad I am that nobody caught that," Lena said before crashing her lips on Kara's once again.

A/N: so far this is the shortest chapter. I was going to write a smutty one but chose not to because I've only written it once and I don't feel like writing it now. Also I added the song because I was listening to it as I was writing.

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