16~ give them to her and she could fall in love with you.

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Lena sat with Kara in her arms all night, making sure the woman didn't break completely. "Are you hungry?" She asked. No response. She waited a moment before asking again. "Kara, are you hungry?" Kara still have no answer. Lena got up and went out to the lobby.

"Good evening Ms.Luthor, what can I do for ya?" A tall DEO agent asked. Lena nodded.

"Is there somewhere I can get food for Supergirl, she hasn't eaten and I'm getting worried for her health!" Lena asked. The DEO agent nodded and handed her a large take out bag.

"She lives off of these, give them to her and she could fall in love with you" Lena stifled a laugh.

"Kara, in love with me? Pfft, like that would ever happen." Lena continued to laugh until she reached Kara's room. Little did Lena know, the more time they spent together, the more Kara fell for her. "I brought you...Potstickers," Lena said handing the bag out for Kara. Kara looked up and tried to hide her smile That's was slowly growing on her face. "Don't hide your smile, just eat the fools," Lena begged.

"H-how did you know?" Kara asked. Lena shrugged her shoulders.

"I asked, you that's what people do, they ask people what the people they like tend to enjoy," Lena said.

"Couldn't you just ask the person?" She asked. Lena rolled her eyes.

"It's called the element of surprise Kara," Kara nodded and looked up.

"So you like me now?" She asked. Once again Lena shrugged.

"Maybe," She said as she sat down next to Kara, handing her the bag. "I might like you, but we can discuss that later." Lena open a box of Chinese food for herself as she watched Kara dig into a mountain of Potstickers.

"Well I might just like you too," Kara admitted. It was half true. Honestly, she kind of almost loved Lena. Not that she will tell her that yet.

A/N: yikes, I haven't posted in so longggg. I've been camping and I have had the worst reception. I will try to post more for you guys.

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