15~ I am not programmed to give you that information

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They lay in the bed, their sweaty body's intertwined, and heavily  panting. They calmed themselves down and caught their breath. "What's it like having family who isn't bad?" Lena asked. Kara was running her hands through Lena's hair, wrapping the hair around her fingers.

"Why do you think that?" Kara asked. Lena cocked her head and raised an eyebrow.

"I just thought, you know they were all like you," Lena replied. Kara shook her head.

"My father created a virus to kill other aliens, it was called the Medusa virus," Kara explained. "I'm pretty sure it killed humans too," she added. "My mother, she put people in fort rozz, a prison for aliens and she-" Kara paused, causing Lena to look up at her once more.

"Kara?" Lena called. No answer. "Kara what happened?" Lena asked. Kara flew up and sped into cloths. She ran to the image room Alex worked in for her while Lena followed. "Wait!"

"Did you use me to get Astra arrested?" Kara asked harshly.

"Hello Kara," The hologram of her mother greeted.

"Don't day my name right now!" She retorted. "Did you use me to draw Astra out of hiding!"

"Yes!" The hologram spoke. Kara's jaw dropped and her eyes widened.

"H-how could you do that?" Kara asked as tears began to fill her eyes. Lena placed a hand on Kara's shoulder.

"Astra has broken the law, you were the only one she trusted enough to meet," Astra said with not emotion.

"Could she have saved us?" Kara asked.

"She was a criminal-"

"But was she right!" Kara screamed, moving herself forward a little bit. Lena stood there in shock and silence.

"I am not programmed to tell you that inform-"

"Tell me!" She yelled stepping closer to the hologram version mother once more, tears falling from her eyes.

"I am not programmed to give you that information," her mother repeated once more.

"You let everyone that I love die!" She screamed. "You left me, you left me alone, you sent me away how could you do that!" She yelled.

"I am not programmed to give you that info-" Kara cut her off by screaming and shooting her laser vision through the hologram. Lena tried pulling her into a hug as the hologram disappeared. They fell to the floor and Lena comforted their broken hero.

"Hey, hey, that's not really her," Lena said, brushing a hair out of Kara's face.

"She lied to me!" Kara said. Lena shook her head and wrapped her arms around Kara. She refused to let go until the woman was okay.

A/n: you don't know how long I've wanted to write this scene and have Lena witness it. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Also quick question. What way do you think is more proper to spell the word 'Colour?'

'Color' or 'Colour?'

I think spelling it like 'Colour'  is, but let me know your thoughts.

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