36~Feeding without killing.

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"Okay, now we typically start with the wrists when training new vampires how to feed properly and not kill." Katherine said. "Now any volunteers or should kara pick?" She asked.

"I'll do it," Lena said. Kara stood still. She didn't want to feed on Lena. Nor did she want to feed on Alex.

"I don't want to feed on them, because I don't want to!" Kara complained.

"Feeding on, or sharing blood with your partner, it means something special." Katherine said. Alex rolled her eyes.

"Since when are you, Katherine Pierce a sappy person?" Alex asked.

"I'm not, it's just something that she should know," Katherine shrugged. Lena walked towards Kara with her wrist exposed.

"Just feed Kara, I know your hungry," Lena said. Kara softly grabbed Lena's wrist and began to feed. Lena closed her eyes ignoring the sharp feeling in her arm. When Kara was done she looked at Lena and gave a weak smile. She wiped her face and kissed Lena's wrist. "What was that for?" Lena asked.

"Because I hurt you, I heard your heartbeat speed up and your wrist tensed up." Kara said. She bit her own wrist and held it out for Lena. "Take this it will heal you." Lena did and her bite mark began to heal her. When she was done she kissed Kara.

"You didn't hurt me, I would tell you if it hurt." Lena cooed. Kara smiled a genuine smile at the brunette.

"Maybe we should leave them alone, after all they've been apart for almost six years." Alex nodded and her and Katherine left.

"How are your eyes green?" Lena asked. Kara ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

"How long have they been green?" She asked.

"Probably since you've been gone, you said that the-"

"They were real, but I don't know how," She bagel trying to feel if they were contacts. They weren't. "Damnit I swear to god if that sick twisted son of a bitch didn't leave a w  much." Lena said as she tried to calm Kara down. She hugged her and snaked her arms around her neck. "What's this?" She asked. She turned pulled at it and Kara yelped.

"Ow!" She said. She showed it to Kara and she stared at it. "What is that?"

"I don't know, but look!" Lena said. Kara tilted her head.

"What the hell!" Kara exclaimed.

Thank you so much for reading. We literally just hit 3k and we are almost at 4K!

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