6~She's a bigger bitch then you!

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When Kara arrived at L-Corp she was met by an older woman with dirty blonde hair pinned back in a bun. She held a firm grip on Lena.  "Ahh, Supergirl, you decided to join the party!" The woman snickered.

"Just let Ms.Luthor go, she hasn't done anything" Kara said sternly. The woman chuckled.

"You can't tell me what I can and can't do with my daughter!" The woman replied. The realization hit me.

"You're Lilian Luthor," I said aloud. She nodded and opened her mouth to speak.

"And you're Ka-" before she could finish her sentence the DEO showed up and shot her with a tranquilizer.

Lena stood there in shock. Not knowing what to do. "You're safe now Ms.Luthor" Kara said as she walked over to the frightened brunette.

"Kara?" She asked.

"W-what, my name is not Kara" she said trying to play it cool.

"Sorry, you just look so much like Ms.Danvers" Lena replied. Kara's familiar crinkle popped up and Lena recognizes it.

"Nobody ever days that, we look nothing alike and we are definitely not the same person" Kara lies. She couldn't tell Lena her identity, they just met, and sort of hated each other. But the question was, how did her mother know?

"Right, why would they, she's  a bigger bitch then you," She said. Lena knee the cards she was playing, and if she kept going maybe Kara would reveal herself. Kara scoffed and walked away. "What did I hit a nerve?" She asked.

"Goodnight Ms.Luthor!" Kara said as she walked towards her sister.


"Just when she starts to act like a nice person, she calls me a bitch? Seriously!" Kara said bitterly. Alex looked at her sister in disbelief.

"What do you expect, she's a Luthor, I wouldn't be surprised if she organized the 'Attack' on L-Corp to drag you out" Alex said.

"I can't believe I let her kiss me!" Was all Kara said. Alex rolled her eyes.

"If I hadn't walked in, you would've slept with her" Alex informed her. "She had your bra of in 2 seconds Kara!" Alex reprimanded her sister.

"Don't reprimand me, I'm older then you!" Kara said. Alex laughed.

"Not in this planet!" Kara put her hands up in surrender.

"I'm done with this conversation Alex, I'm tired and I have to be at work tomorrow" Kara said practically telling her sister to kick rocks. Alex walked out the door and Kara walked to her bed where she found her phone buzzing. Lena, was calling. She debated ignoring her but answered.

"Hey Kara, I was calling to check up on you" Lena said once Kara picked up. "Are you okay?" She asked. She genuinely was concerned.

"I'm fine," Kara muttered. Lena didn't believe her.

"Are you sure? You sound upset" Lena asked.

"I said I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" Kara asked. Her tone a little bitchy.

"Do you maybe want to come to my office tomorrow during lunch?" Lena asked. She was hoping Kara would say yes.

"I can't, snapped has me very busy tomorrow, maybe another time" Kara said, not meaning a word she just said.

"I-Okay, I'll see you another time then" Lena said. Kara hung the phone up immediately and crawled into bed.

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