35~ Compulsion.

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Kara was asleep in her bed when she heard the door lock click. She used her super speed and ran to the door bearing her fangs at the intruder. "What the fuck Kara!" Lena yelled. Katherine and Alex began to laugh at the brunettes easy scare.

"Sorry, this is all new to me I haven't had super heating in five years, and being a vampire now it's... I can hear more than I could with my Kryptonian super hearing." Kara said.

"Wow, I have never seen you do that before." Alex said.

"Trust me it won't be the last," Katherine said. "Okay let's start with compulsion, neither of you have vervain on, or in your systems correct?" She asked, turning towards Lena and Alex.  They both nodded.  "Great, this means she can feed without a problem and compel you as well."

"Take your pick Kara, who do you want to compel first," She asked herself. She walked over to Alex. "Okay so how do I do this?" Kara asked.

"You can either as a question that you want the truth on, or you can make her do something for you." Katherine said.

"Okay, I've got this," She said slightly unconfidently. She focused on what she wanted to know. "Tell me the truth, how long did you look for me when I disappeared?" She asked.

"I gave up, after 3 months." Alex said. Kara didn't understand. She was hurt.

"Kara, I'm sorry but the longer you were gone the less hope any of us had." Alex said.

"I-it's Fine." Kara replied. She walked over to Lena and smiled. "Give up your dream of me ever liking kale, and stop trying to make me eat it." Kara said.

"Nice work, But you could've done better,"Katherine said. 

"What do you mean I though I did pretty good," Kara said.

"You did, but out of everything you could have compelled them to do or gotten out of them you ask for the truth and to stop being fed kale?" Katherine asked.

"I hate kale, and I was hoping that nobody gave up on me," Kara said.

"I didn't, I looked for you everyday for five and a half years Kara." Lena replied. Kara smiled.

"Thank you." She replied.

Sorry this is super short. I will try and post some more tomorrow, but if I don't, thanks for reading and I will have more chapters out soon.

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