9~ Lena's penthouse.

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After Kara returned from grabbing Ms.Grants lunch, she was left alone to write the article Snapper assigned her to do. She finished the article in an hour and placed in on snappers desk. "Nice work Danvers!" He said as he thoroughly read through her work.  A small smile rose on her lips. "I knew you had it in you," he praised.

"Thank you Snapper," she replied. He nodded and sent her away. She went into her office and got ready to leave when she saw a text.

'There is a car outside waiting for you, see you soon Supergirl ;) -Lena'

'What is someone went through you phone and thought you were serious?' -Kara. The to exchanged texts until she arrived at an unfamiliar building. Outside, Lena was waiting for Kara.

"This isn't your office, where are we?" Kara asked, eyeing the woman up and down.

"I want to get to know you more, and you've, sort of, been honest with me so I was thinking I should be honest with you" Lena said, grabbing the Kryptonian woman's  hand and dragging her in the house. "Do this-"

"Is where you live?" Kara said in a questioning tone. Lena nodded. "And because you know my secret, you want me to know some of you're?" Once again the brunette nodded.

"Not all of them though," Lena said. Kara nodded and followed the Luthor to the kitchen where she saw a full corse meal needing to be prepped.

"What's all this?" Kara asked in awe, looking at the food waiting to be cooked.

"We are going to cook together, I love cooking, but I never cool with anyone" Lena admitted. Kara smiled. "What?" Lena asked noticing the smile.

"So would you say I'm someone special to you?" Kara asked. Lena shrugged. 

"Normally when I decide to hate someone, I don't come over and almost get lucky" Lena chuckled, and so did Kara.

"She normally knocks," Kara said. Lena mouthed 'okay sure,' and Kara continued to laugh.

"She obviously didn't know you were gay," Lena said. She walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a bottle of wine. She poured two glasses and started to prepare the food. Kara helped as they continued to talk.

"It never came up," Kara said shrugging her shoulders. Lena laughed a little.

"How, I knew the minute I met you, and she claimed you were straighter than a pole!" Lena claimed.

"I just never told her, and then I convinced myself that I was into men when I wasn't" Kara said as she chopped up the tomatoes and chives.

"Was it me who made you realize that?" Lena asked. Kara slightly nodded.

"I had always known I liked girls, but when I kissed you, the feeling I got were not there whenever I kissed any guy, even the ones I thought I liked" Kara said. Lena walked over and slid through Kara's arms.

"This feeling?" Lena teased as she moved closer to Kara's face, lightly gliding her younger on Kara's lip, pulling away before Kara could kiss her.  "Or this one?" Lena said, clashing her lips go Kara's not giving her a chance resist her. Kara returned the kiss for a moment and then pulled away and continued chopping. "Why did you pull away?" Lena asked. 

"Because we're cooking, and if you want me that bad, you can wait" Kara said. Lena looked down.

"I'm very impatient, that's something you should know" Lena said. Kara started to laugh. "What now!"

"This is going to be so fun" Kara said as she continued so prep her meal with Lena.

A/N:  as I'm writing this I am giving myself 'Lena is a bottom' vibes and I can't handle myself 😂

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