13~ We aren't fuck buddies!

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This story has just been changed to M for Mature because of the language and possible smut chapters in this story.

When Lena sat down and crossed her arms, Alex knew she was waiting for her to speak. "We believe Lex is working with Cadmus, and it's not safe for either of you to leave" Alex told the pair.

"What! Alex you can't be serious!" Kara complained. Alex rolled her eyes.

"Lilian has many different ways to kill you, including Kryptonite and if she uses it when you try and arrest Lex, she will kill you!" Alex stated as her sister huffed in anger.

"Lilian? As in my mother?" Lena said. Alex finally turned to her.

"Yes, your mother is the head of Cadmus" Alex said, causing Lena to drop he jaw to the floor.

"Is that why she attacked me? Because she works for Cadmus!" Lena asked. Alex nodded. "What even is Cadmus?"

"It's a group of people who hate aliens as much as your brother and they do anything in their power to get rid of them," Kara responded before Alex had the chance. "And that includes me," she added.

"Which means you will loose your fuck buddy!" Alex said. Kara and Lena sent her death glares.

"We aren't fuck buddies!" Both woman said in unison. Alex nodded, rolling her eyes and mockingly mouthed 'Okay!'

"So has my dick of a brother emerged yet?" Lena asked. Alex nodded.

"He was seen in A bakery outside of the city, but let's not jump into anything yet, he might be setting a trap" Alex said. Kara and Lena nodded.

"So we just sit here and wait until you catch my Psycho family?" Lena asked. Once again Alex nodded. Kara rolled her eyes and slammed down into the bed. Alex left and continued to work with her team in catching Lex and Cadmus.

A/n: OMG THANK YOU SO MICH FOR 1K READS!!!! You don't understand how happy I am right now. Reading your comments and waking up to the fact the people have read my work it amazing and I love doing this everyday. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'm sorry it's kind of short.

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