17~ you're my number one!

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"Is this all you two have done while we were gone?" Alex asked as she watched the two woman stir at the sound of her voice. They both rubbed their eyes and sat up to meet her gaze. Lena cocked a brow and waited for someone to speak.

"Is what all that we've done?" Kara asked.

"Nice grammar, did they teach you that in school?" Lena whispered sarcastically, loud enough for only Kara to hear. Kara chuckled but ignored the remark.

"Eat and sleep," Alex responded. "When we left you two were half asleep?" Alex asked. Kara rolled her eyes. 

"I need to consume at least, 30,000 calories a day," Kara stated. "You know how fast my Kryptonian cells burn off the calories!" Alex laughed.

"Yes,I know, I grew up with you and an empty fridge like every other day" Alex responded. Lena didnt know what to think, or what to say.

"If you hadn't told me who you were-" she started but was quickly cut off by Kara's defense.

"I didn't tell you, you seduced me and ripped my glasses off during lunch last week!" Kara defended herself. Lena laughed and continued.

"I would've, not only judged you for eating so much food, but I probably would've questioned why you don't way like 1000 ponds right now," Lena admitted. Kara playfully shoved her, Lena looked over and acted shocked at the movement and shoved Kara back, failing to make the woman move an inch.

"Would you two stop flirting and come see our new prisoner?" Alex asked. Both girls stopped and smiled.

"Dose the mean you got Douce Luthor?" Kara asked. Alex nodded.

"And we got Cadmus too!" Alex replies excitedly. Catching not only Cadmus, but  Lex Luthor as well was a big win for the DEO.

"Even my mother?" Lena asked. Alex nodded.

"Yes, even your mother." Lena smiled and let out a small laugh.

"What?" Kara questioner.

"Nothing, it's just Lillian must be off her game," Lena replied. Alex waved them on to follow and they went to the large containment cells that held Cadmus members and the two Luthor's inside them.

"What have you done to be sentenced her with us, dear sister?" Lex asked in his sadistic serial killer voice.

"Nothing, I'm not being placed in one of those things," Lena responded.

"And even if she was, she wouldn't be anywhere near you!" Kara added. Lena smiles at the gesture but quickly returned to stone cold and faced her family.

"How sweet, a super sticking up for a Luthor, how long until you turn on her?" Lex asked. Kara scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"That's the thing Lex, I would never betray or hurt Lena, so quit being a dick!" Kara said harshly. Lena's eyes widened.

"What would the public think of your potty mouth Supergirl?" Lex asked.

"What are they going to do?" Kara asked. "Tell my mother?" She added. She turned on her heel and walked out of the room without giving him a chance to answer to her face.

"I would've thought that after all these years in prison you would learn to stoop fucking around with the supers," Lena said as a devious smile grew on her face.

"And I would've thought with all those degrees you hold you would learn never to fuck a Super!" Lex responded.

Lena rolled her eyes, giving him her middle finger and saying, "your my number one!" She turned and followed Kara, with Alex slowly trailing behind them.

A/n: y'all, we are literally almost at 2k reads I can't believe it. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please lmk your thoughts.

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