26~ Take an angel by the wings.

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Wow I would just like to start Of by saying thank you so much for 3k reads. You don't know how much this means to me. I am beyond grateful for the support you guys are giving me. Thank you so much and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Lena has tried to call Kara and multiple times. There was no answer from either. She rushed to Kara's apartment hoping she puked make it. Blowing through every traffic light known to National City. "Kara!" She screamed. No answer. "Kara please answer. She pushed on the door and it slowly opened. The apartment had been trashed and there was blood everywhere. "Oh god!" She cried. She dialed Alex's number once again.

"Stop calling me Luthor, we want nothing to do with you!" Alex said harshly.

"Get down to Kara's, with DEO agents, something's happened!" Lenas voice was broken. Alex heard the fear. The line went dead and Lena fell to the floor sobbing.  "I'm sorry, I was too late."

Lena has stayed in the floor sobbing and apologizing when the DEO agents arrived. "Lena?" Alex said. All she heard was echos. "What happened in here?"

"L-Lex" was all she could get out. "He made it all happen." Alex whispered something with another DEO agents ear and he nodded. Her phone began to buzz and she picked it up.

"Hello?" Alex said.

"If you want your sister back alive, come and get her before the time runs out," Lex said in a mocking manner. "Tick Tock." The call ended and she was sent a location.

"Bring her home, make sure she stays there," Alex ordered the men. They nodded and brought Lena home.


The room was dark and Alex could barley see a thing. "Kara!" She called. "Lex where is she!" There was no response. She rounded a corner and saw Kara laying motionless on the cold, hard ground. "Kara!" Alex ran over to her. She was bloody and beaten. She picked Kara up and brought her to the DEO van outside.

"How is she?" J'onn asked. Alex shook her head.

"She's not doing good, let get a move on," Alex said. J'onn began to squeeze oxygen through an oxygen mask on Kara's mouth. A DEO agent began with compressions while her body was being pumped with meds. The machine she was connected to began to flatline.

"Give me the paddles!" J'onn yelled. He cvarged them up and shocked her. No response. He shocked her again. Nothing again. He shocked her s total of six times. "Alex," He said with a sad look in his eyes "s-She's gone." A tear slipped down her cheek.

"Try again, try until you have a pulse!" He hesitated for a second and tried again.

5 and a half years later.

"It has been 5 and a half years since Supergirl mysteriously vanished," a local news reporter. "Nobody knows where she is or if she is even alive." Kara say there watching the tv while making breakfast.

"Ms.Danvers?" She heard a young girl call her name.

"Yes, Ellie?" She replied.

"Did you ever meet Supergirl?"the little girl asked.

"No, I've never even heard of her," Kara finished making breakfast and handed it to the girl.

"Kara there is someone at the door for you," she head the voice of her fiancé say from the living room.

"Good morning Kara," she smiled and let the woman in.

"Good morning Cat, what brings you here?" Kara asked. Cat sat down on the couch and handed her a folder.

"I've sold Cat-Co to you, you are now the CEO of Cat-co,"

"Why me?" She asked.

"Because you are the only one I trust with my company," Cat replied. "You have a boards meeting tomorrow at 8:30 am with all the other companies so you need to be ready and on time!" Cat ordered.

"Okay, I won't let you down," Kara responded.

"I know you won't, that's why it's your company now." Cat replied. She walked to the door and left.

So what were your thought? This wasn't my original plan and if this one doesn't go to good them I am re writing it.

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