39~Always and forever.

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I feel like I do a lot of time jumps in this story but I can promise you it will be the last time jump in this story.
One year later.

I could feel my bones shaking with fear. I had a mix of emotions. Happy, sadness, nervousness, but mostly I was anxious. I was marrying the best woman to walk the planet ever. Lena Luthor was to be my wife. I hadn't returned to the public yet, but I wasn't sure I would. It had become something of my past. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed being a superhero but I had a new life to begin. "You look amazing Kara," Alex said. She was trying to hold back tears as she stared at her beautiful sister. Her mother stood there and placed a beautiful red  wedding dress on Kara's bed. Kara has found out Alura was alive when her and Lena has ventured to Argo.

Kara's dress

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Kara's dress.

"My beautiful daughter, all grown up and getting married." Alura tried her best to contain her tears.

"Mom, your going to make me cry," Kara said.

"Today will be the best day of your life Kara," Katherine said. Kara reaches her hand out and held onto Katherine's. She had her makeup done by Caroline and her hair done by Bonnie and Elena. Eliza was with Lena, and Caroline was doing Lena's makeup as well.


Today I would be marring Kara Zor-el, the beautiful Kryptonian who stole my heart seven years ago. It was our wedding day, and who could believe a Luthor and a Super getting married.  "Are you ready to join the Danvers and Zor-el family?" Eliza asked. Lena nodded.

"I have always wanted this and when she went missing, I never thought I would get to,"
Lena admitted.

Lena's dress

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Lena's dress.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to my dear little one," Astra said. "You will make a fine addition to our families. Lena smiled. She had never truly felt like she had family until she met Kara.  There was a knock at the door and Caroline opened it, revealing Lillian. Lena's face dropped.

"What are you doing here mother!" Lena said hatefully.

"I have come to see my daughter on her wedding day, I know I have been cruel and harsh but I've changed." Lillian said. Lena stayed quiet for a moment. Caroline walked up to her.

"Let her stay, at least let her watch her only daughter be married." she whispered.

"Fine you can stay, but no funny business, you are going to be in a room filled with vampires and every single one of us will kill you if you ruin my wedding day," Lena said firmly.

"Are you ready?" Sam asked she nodded and stood up. Eliza linked her arm in Lena's as Lillian walked to the audience. She was walking up first. The wedding march began to play and she walked with Eliza, following everyone up to the alter. Once everyone from Lena's side was up there, Kara's door opened and revealed her side of people. When the crowd saw Kara's dress they cheered. She gleefully walked towards the woman she was destined to marry. Once she reached the alter all chatter had stopped, including the music.


"When I first me you, I was a Kryptonian who had just become a hero, and I was mourning the loss of my parents." Kara said. "Not only my parents, but my world, and mi entire family." She paused. "When we met, we hated each other at first, but on a very hard day you were there to comfort me and I fell in love with you, and I didn't think it was possible." She added. Lena was already smiling and failing to keep in her tears. Even Lillian was in tears. "You gave me back my world, and made my life light up again, and even when I went missing you made sure I returned safely to you." Lena wiped a tear from Kara's face as she continued. "So I take you to be my wife forever and always, I will never break the bond that is our love." The audience was ready to break. And as Lena began her vows she started crying.

"She I first saw you, almost 7 years ago, I fell in love instantly, you brought me joy when I couldn't get it from my own family, you gave me a family of my own that I know will never hurt me, or betray me."  Lena sighed and let tears fall. "The day I lost you was the worst day of my life, and I vowed never to stop looking for you, and when I found you it was a struggle to return you to your true self, but we did." Kara's heart fluttered in her chest as Lena spoke. "I didn't want to loose you again so I asked you to make me who am I am, and that's how I've been for a year, I love you with all of my heart Kara, and I will always love you."  She joined her hands in Kara's.

"Do you Lena Luthor.take Kara Zor-el yo be your wife?" The priest asked.

"I do,Always and forever." Lena said.

"Do you Kara Zor-el take Lena Luthor to be your wife?"

"Yes, always and forever." Kara said.

"You May kiss your brides!" The crowed screamed in joy as Kara bonded their lives by the kiss. The will forever be one.

A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I know I enjoyed writing it.

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