14~ Technically I'm not a Luthor so I can tease who I want.

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Kara pacer around the room Alex locked her and Lena in while they attempted to end Lex's visit to society.  "If you keep pacing, I might cut off your feet!" Lena complained.

"You can't And you won't!" Kara replied. She had changed out of the super  suit but still wasn't wearing her glasses.

"Says who?" Lena asked. Kara stopped pacing and crossed her arms.

"Me, I say, now knock it off!" Kara demanded. Lena walked towards her.

"Or.What?" Lena teased as she traced Kara's perfect bone structure. Kara's neath hitches at the back of her throat. "Is something wrong Kar? You sound like your running out of breath," Lena said. She was close enough to Kara that their lips were just barely touching.

"As a Luthor, you should know to to tease a Kryptonian, just saying" in a matter of seconds Kara has Lena's arms pinned up as she pressed her body to the wall.

"Technically I'm not a Luthor so I can tease who I want,"  Kara slowly leaned in and bit Lena's bottom lip. She send shock waves of electricity down Lena's neck and spine. This cause Lena to shiver a bit.

"Is it cold?"  Kara asked before connecting her lips to Lena's. The kiss was rough and they were both hungry for more, both fighting for the control over the kiss. Lena stayed pinned to the wall as Kara took full advantages over Lena. Lena fought hard to win the control of the kiss but was unsuccessful. "Once again, the CEO of L-Corp is weak and under my control!" Kara mumbled, connecting their lips once more.

Thanks for reading the chapter. Sorry If it's sucky because it's like 2:45 am rn and I'm tired as hell. Gn everyone.

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