38~Turn me.

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Katherine and Lena along with everyone in the DEO have been training Kara for 6 months to control the hunger, and her powers. She had learned to compel people and began doing to to May people at work. She had exposed to Damon and Elena that she was a vampire last week on accident.

One week ago.

"I'll be right back," Bonnie said to Elena and Kara. She walked out of the room to do whatever.

"Hey kara can you go and grab me..." they were interrupted by a crash.  Kara vamp sped over to Bonnie and saw she had a shard or glass piercing through her hand.

"I go-" Elena rambled to say, But was caught of haute when Kara but her wrist and began to heal Bonnie. "Y-you're a vampire?" She asked.

"Yeah, I have been for six months now, so no need to be careful around me." She said. Bonnie stood up and smiled.

"Thank you Kara, I've never seen anyone react that quickly," Bonnie said.

"I'm a quick thinker," Kara shrugged.

"Who turned you?" Elena asked.

"Lex was trying to kill me and Katherine gave me coffees with her blood in them and she snapped my neck in my office the night Lex died," Kara said. "I didn't know I would come back because she didn't tell me, also did I tell you I killed Lex?" She asked.

"No, you didn't." Elena said. "I'm sorry she ruined your life."

"She didn't, I wanted to be turned for the longest time, she was just waiting until the right moment do I could kill Lex for taking away my five years with Lena."

"If I wasn't so shocked with my dead girlfriend rising and ripping him to shreds I would've killed him myself." Everyone laughed.

"Welcome to the club Kara!" They chanted.


"Kara, can I talk to you?" Lena asked. Kara nodded and brought them into a room in the DEO.

"What's up babe?" Kara asked.

"I was wondering if you could turn me,  since you've learned to control yourself and..." Lena paused. "And because I don't want live without you, or have you live without me." Lena said in one breath. Kara smiled.

"Of course I will turn you, I can't live my life without you Lena," she leaned forward and kissed Kara softly on the lips and held her there. 

A/n: all I'm gonna say, is some of you might hate me soon but depending on your feedback, is depending on how long you hate me for.

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