37~ If Katherine Pierce doesn't do it than you shouldn't either.

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"Look!" Lena said. Kara tilted her head and looked in the mirror.

"What the hell!" Kara exclaimed her eyes began changing from an emerald green back to ocean blue. The roots of her hair began slowly turning back to blonde.

"This is how he kept you from being Kara Danvers," Lena said. Kara grabbed her phone and dialed Alex's number.

"Alex get back here now!" Kara said frantically. It didn't take long for her sister and Katherine to return.

"Did you kill her?" Alex asked. When she saw Kara she jumped back. "What the fuck is going on!" She shouted.

"I pulled this out of her neck and her eyes turned blue and now her hair is going back to blonde," Lena said handing her the small object she retracted from Kara.

"We need to get this to the DEO, I know we should keep it a secret that you're truly back but, it can't wait." Alex said.

"I agree, let's go." Katherine said. They all left and hurried to the DEO. 


"Alex are we having a pa-Kara?" He said. She nodded.

"H-hi J'onn, it's nice to see you again." She said with a smile on her face. He hugged her tightly.

"We have missed you greatly here," he said, trying to hold back tears.

"Hello little one," she heard a voice say. She moved from J'onn and saw her aunt.

"Any Astra?" She asked. She looked towards Alex.

"When she found out what happened to you, she joined our team and helped us search for you." Alex said.

"Your hair, it's changing?" Astra pointed out.

"T-this is why we are here, Lena found it and the changed t-they began, and haven't stopped!" Kara explained. "I believe this is how Lex kept my powers hidden, and why my hair was black and my eyes were green!"

"It was like he was trying to make another version of me, it was really creepy." Lena added.

"You know what she did kind of look like you,"

"Guys focus!" Kara said. "That doesn't matter, I am a hybrid and I don't know what this will do to me."

"Hybrid what does that mean?" Winn asked. Kara rolled her eyes and sped towards him, showing her fangs as her eyes turned red as black lined appeared on her face. "Holy fuck it's a monster!" He screamed and ran towards someone who could protect him.

"Kara!" Lena, Katherine, and Alex yelled.

"What, he asked so I showed him." She said with her puppy eyes.

"That doesn't give you the right to terrify the little shit, he's like a five year old!" Katherine said. "I wouldn't even do that."

"Let me guess, If Katherine Pierce doesn't do it than you shouldn't either?" Kara asked.

"I only scare the big kids, not little adults who are still children in the inside." Katherine said.

"Since when has she been....fucking every?" Winn asked.

"For like two days," Alex said.

"Look I'm hungry, I feel the Kryptonian side of me calling for food so can someone, you know?" She pointed to her wrist. Nobody moved. "Please?" She begged.

"God, here!" Lena said. Kara eyes her wrist like it was a poisonous snake.

"I already fed on you, I want something else." Kara said. Lena rolled her eyes and cut her wrist. Kara's eyes once again turned red and she leaped for Lena's arm. Drinking enough to satisfy her, and healing Lena once she was done.

"New Kara is fun," She said to herself.

I had to give you guys an update. I've come to the conclusion that I love leaving you all on cliff hangers. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you're from my Instagram and you have made your way over here, welcome!

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