7~Aunt's, and, Sister's and, CEO's, Oh my!

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At 6:30, Kara's alarm went off. She turned it off and crawled out of bed and walked into the kitchen for a drink. As she entered the kitchen she saw her aunt standing by the couch as screamed. "What the hell are you doing here!" Kara yelled. Her aunt had given her quite the scare, which Kara didn't think was needed, especially at 6:30 in the morning.

"I came back to ask if you thought about our talk yesterday?" Astra asked. Kara breezed last her and opened the fridge.

"Why would I work with you?" Kara asked in a tone of anger.

"Because we are family, and if you're not with me then you're against me!" Her aunt said sternly.

"Well then I guess I'm against you" Kara said. Astra scoffed.

"Well you better watch out then Little one," and with that, Astra was gone. Kara brushes off her commentary and hopped in the shower. She turned the water on high, knowing it would do nothing for her. Once her shower was done she hopped out and got ready for work. When she stepped out into the kitchen she was met by Alex.

"Ahhh, holy shit!" Kara screamed. She cause Alex to jump. "Do you people ever fucking knock or what?" Kara said.

"Sorry, I came to apologize, I shouldn't have argued with you last night" Alex said.

"Apology accepted" Kara said, pulling her sister into a hug. When she let go of her sister she started to cook breakfast. "Are you hungry?" Kara asked. Alex nodded. Kara quickly made pancakes and French toast for the both of them.

"I could never get used to this" Alex said as she but into a pancake.

"Lena called last night, after you left" Kara blurted. Alex looked up, mouth still full of pancakes. "She asked me over for lunch and I turned her down" Kara went on.

"Good girl!" Alex jokes. Kara threw a napkin at her sister. This cause Alex to start hysterically laughing.

"I'm not a child, I can make the right choice!" Kara responded. Alex continued to laugh and mock her sister until they had finished the meal and it was time for Kara to go to work.


By 11:55, Kara was tired and worn out. "Blonde, have you got anything interesting?" Snapper asked.

"The attack on L-Corp by Lena Luthor's own mother?" Kara spoke up. This got Snapper's attention. A smile appeared on his face.

"Good work Danvers! I better see the article on my desk before the end I Of today!"he said. Kara walked back to her office to start on the article.

As she opened the door she saw a familiar face that scared the shit out of her making her once again, scream. "Oh my fucking god!" Kara yelled as she presses her head to the door frame.

"What's wrong?"Lena asked. Kara looked up and walked into her office.

"Are you people trying to fucking kill me!" Kara shouted as she closed the door.

"Who Kara?" Lena asked. Kara walked to her chair and sat. "I know you said you were busy, so I thought I would come here." Lena places a bag on Kara's desk.

"I have an article to write, I don't have time to eat" Kara said.

"God you sound like me, which means you should eat" Lena demanded. Kara wanted to yell and tell her to leave the office, but Lena can all the way down her, with food.

"Fine, only because the food smells really good, and you're here" Kara said. The CEO sat down on the chair across Kara and pulled all of the food out. "Are those Potstickers?" Lena nodded.

"Yes, I asked some of the worker what you ate and they told me, but I should probably apologize to you" Lena said, looking down at her food.

"What for?" Kara asked, having a slight feeling she knew where this was going.

"I might have told Supergirl you were a bitch," Lena replied.

"I know, she told me" Kara said, placing a potsticker in her mouth.

"She did?" Lena asked. Kara nodded and finished her potsticker.

Kara cleared her throat. "I just don't get it, we were actually starting to not be at each other's throats all the time and then you do that?" Kara asked.

"I thought she was you and maybe if I hit a nerve she would get angry and tell me she was you" Lena admitted.

"Why would you think I was her?" Kara asked. Lena stood up and walked over to Kara and straddled her lap. W-what are you doing?" Kara asked. Lena crash her lips to Kara's and held her closed. Kara returned this kiss, with her hands holding Lena's waist firmly.

"Finishing where we left off," Lena said. Lena slowly made her hands to Kara's face and started to take off her glasses. Before Kara could do anything, her glasses were off and Lena knew who she was.

"Lena!" Kara said trying to grab her glasses. Lena pulled them farther away.

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