32~ don't try and stop me either.

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2 days later.

Lena walked into Cat-co, hoping the blonde CEO she used to call 'darling' was in her office. She had last  spoken to Kara two days ago, after their lunch. She knocked on the office before opening the door. When she walked in she saw a sad and broken woman. "Kara what's wrong?" Lena asked.

"My fiancé, broke up with me," she said. She began to sob harder. Lena walked towards her and wrapped her in a hug.

"Shhh, it's okay," Lena said as she began to rub small circles on her back. Lena wooed Kara's tears and continued to coddle her. The door burst open and Elena came in.

"Kara what the hell happened to you last night?" Elena asked.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

"You asked me to pick you up, and you were crying about Mike, you went to take a shower and then poof, you were gone, like you were never there!" Elena rambled.

"I never called you," Kara said. This got Elena and Lena's attention. "I didn's go to your house, and I never told you about Mike."

"She's being compelled," Lena and Elena said at the same time.

"Compelled, no!" Kara said. "I was drunk last night, so maybe I called you and left." Kara said shrugging her shoulders. "He upset me, and I drank away the pain, so anything is possible."

"You were never a drinker," Lena mumbled.

"How would you know that Lena?" Elena asked. Lena pointed outside. They both walked outside and closed the door. She took out her phone and showed her a picture of Kara. "How do you have that?" She asked.

"Because that woman in there, used to be the love of my life,but she was taken away from me, by my brother." Lena said.

"So what your brother fell in love with your girlfriend, get over it." Elena said bitterly.

"No, he didn't fall in love with her, he..." she paused and stopped herself from crying. "He hurt her and she disappeared, and hasn't remembered anyone from her last life in over five years." Lena said.

"Why should I believe you?" Elena asked.

"You don't have to, but my goal here is to get Kara back to the life she was supposed to have, she should've woken up and known her own sister but instead she knew nothing," Lena said. "So don't believe me I don't care, but don't try and stop me either."

"I won't, but if you cause her any harm, I will kill you myself and I might even drop you on one of your loved ones doorsteps" Elena growled.  Elena may have known Kara for a week, but she cared for her greatly Elena left and Lena walked back into Kara's office. Kara's phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hello?" She said.

"Kara it's K, are you with anybody?" Katherine asked.

"Yeah, Lena why?" She asked. She remember who Katherine was even when she heard her voice.

"We need to talk when you get home, I have something you will enjoy very much." Katherine said.

"Thank you Kat ," Kara lied. She hung up and faced Lena.

"What was that about?" Lena asked.

"Just something I need to pick up later," Kara said.

"What?" Lena asked.

"I don't know, Kat didn't say." She replied shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh, well um maybe you can come by after work, if you're up to it," Lena said.

"I would love to.." Kara started.

"Great, I'll see you-"

"But I can't, I have a few things to do after work, maybe another time?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, maybe another time then." Lena said. They said their goodbyes and got started on their work days.

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