29~ turn me and let me do you the favor.

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"Katherine!" Lena said, pulling her best friend into a tight hug.

"Lena, How did the meeting go?" She asked.

"It went really well," Lena said. Katherine could tell she was holding something back.

"What else happened?" Katherine asked. Lena sighed.

"You remember Kara?" Lena asked.

"The woman who you have cried over the last five years, yeah I remember her." Katherine said.

"She is back, But I think she has amnesia," Lena replied. "She doesn't remember me, or Alex, she doesn't remember she was Supergirl," Katherine nodded. "She thinks she grew up as a Montgomery, not a Danvers."

"Amnesia sucks, but she will remember you eventually" Katherine tried to be supportive.

"If She has been like this for five years, I doubt it," Lena sighed.

"You should have faith in your girlfriend, I would have faith, even if she didn't remember me for 2000 years," Lena laughed.

"You only get to say that long because you're immortal," Lena said.

"I could turn you," Katherine said.

"Seriously, I'm not letting you do that." Lena replied.

"Why?" Katherine asked. "You would make a killer vampire, you would be one of the best." Katherine said.  "Look I have to go, but just think about it, please lee?" Katherine asked.

"I will think about it, but your not turning me," Lena said.


"Elena, what are you doing here?" Kara asked.

"I'm hungry," she said. She looked Kara in the eye and started to compel her. "Don't make a sound, don't be afraid, this won't hurt a bit." Black lines appeared on her face and her eyes turned blood red. Her fangs popped out and she sunk them into Kara's neck.  Kara sat there still and unaware of the fear racing through her body.

"Drink this," She said. She bit her wrist and handed it to Kara to drink. She healed instantly.

"Okay." Kara replied.

"Now remember everything from your past," she said to Kara.

"Again Katherine?" Kara said. Katherine nodded.

"Lena knows your back," she said.

"Why can't you guys just let me have my memories back permanently, I want my life back!" Kara said.

"You know he will find you, I'm trying to help you Kara, " Katherine said. "He can't know I'm double crossing him."

"Why can't you just snap his neck, and give me my memories back, or turn me and let me do you the favor," Kara said.

"Like I told you, I will turn you when the time is right, and then together we can get rid of him, but before you can return to your normal life you will have to learn control, you have to keep your hunger in check." Katherine said.

"How did you learn?" Kara asked.

"It took  a lot of time for me because I was on the run, but you will have me and you won't be on the run," Katherine said. "It's time though," Kara sighed.

"Okay," Kara looked into Katherine's eyes.

"You will forget this last hour, you don't remember your past, just what you know about yourself." Katherine said. "You won't remember me being here at all tonight," she added. "Lena will visit you tomorrow and you will be kind, and caring and get to know her, you will make her happy." Katherine super sped out of the house with out a trace of evidence she was there.

"Hey babe, who were you just talking to?"  Mike asked.

"What?" She asked, confused at the question. "I want talking at all babe," she said. She walked up and placed a small kiss on his cheek and went into their bedroom.

A/n: so what are your thoughts on Katherine turning Kara? Should she do it. Why or why not?

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