25~ Once reign hits, there will be no more Kara Zor-el

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Lena quickly hung the phone up. She felt lost, alone, and helpless. The one thing that made her feel whole again, was slipping away. And this time she didn't know why. She dialed Kara's number again.  "I'm sorry, but the number you have dialed has been disconnected," Lena sunk into the chair, grabbing a bottle of scotch. She grabbed a glass and got ready to pour. Her phone began to buzz, and the screen read 'Blocked Caller'. She answered the phone, hoping it was Kara.

"Kara?" She asked, with hope lacing her voice.

"Wrong baby sis," Lena heard Lex say with a bitter tone. "You see, I know what's going on in your head right this very moment."

"What makes you so sure?" Lena asked hatefully. Lex scoffed.

"You're wondering what it is you did to make Kara hate you, you're wondering how I'm calling you from a DEO containment cell, shall I continue?" He stated.

"What have you done?" She asked bitterly.

"I used Q-waves to take control of your brain, and with the press of a button, you are under my control" Lex admitted. "Me doing this allowed me to tell you what to do, and you did it without resisting or fighting." Tears began to build in her eyes. He made her hurt Kara.

"What did you make me do!" Lena demanded.

"Having trouble remembering?" He asked. "Here I'll help you, memento omnium!" Lex chanted.


Lena knocked on Kara's door, feeling the hard wood under her knuckles. She hear Kara's footsteps reach the door and straightened her posture. "Hey Lena, what brings you here?"  She asked as she opened the door for Lena to come in.

"We need to talk," Lena replied. Kara smiled.

"We do, I have some news."  She closed the door and stood across from Lena.

"It's over, us, we are over!" Kara's smile faded. Tears began to well in her eyes.

"B-But I don't understand?" Kara said. Lena rolled her eyes. "I thought we were happy."

"You May have been, but I was not, I wasn't even in this relationship" she replied to Kara.

"Wh-I don't understand Lena," Kara said, letting a small tear slip down her cheek.

"I was using you for information and I got what I needed, so stay away from me." She yelled. She started walking towards the door when Kara stopped her.

"No, I don't believe you, I'm not giving up!" Kara said firmly.

"If you choose not to stay away from me until the day you die, I will release the truth about you being Supergirl to the entire world" Lena said harshly. Kara felt her heart drop. She slowly released her grip on Lena's arm and watched as she left.

"Lena truly is a Luthor." Was all Kara could say.

When she had finished the tasks she returned to Lex's cell at the DEO. "Is it done?" Lex asked. She nodded.

"Kara Danvers doesn't matter to me, she never has, and never will." A twisted and cruel smile formed on Lex's mouth.

"Good, now leave the DEO and don't return," Lex said flatly. As she walked away he pressed the button once more. The control he once had on her was gone.  Along with the love Kara once shared for her.


"You cruel son of a bi-"

"Ah ah, now now, no name calling, it wastes time." Lex said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Lena asked. He chuckled.

"Well darling Lena, Supergirl will die in about... 45 minutes, and it is up to you to save her." Lex said.

"Lex I swear if you-"

"Tick tock lee, once reign hits, there will be no more Kara Zor-el"

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