12~took you long enough.

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It had been two days since Lena was abruptly taken from the DEO by Kara and left there when she went to fight Lex, her crazy, alien hating, Kryptonian hating brother. It had been two days, and still no word from Kara until she stumbled into the DEO. "Took you fucking log enough!" Lena shouted, making Kara jump as she entered Lena's room in the DEO.

"What?" Kara answered.

"Where the fuck have you been! You've kept me here for two days, and haven't shown up once after dropping a Lex sized bomb on me!" Lena yelled as Kara walked closer to her.

"Fighting your brother takes a lot of work Ms.Grumpy-pants" Kara responded. Lena rolled her eyes and growled.

"Seriously, do you think it's a wise idea to piss off a Luthor?" Lena asked. Kara just laughed at Lena being infuriated. "It's not funny Kara, so quit being a dick!" Lena was getting redder with anger.

"I'm not being a dick Lena, your brother is, and right now so are you," Kara turned to walk away, but was caught by Lena pulling her and shoving her against a wall.

"One, don't walk away from me when I'm talking, and two, stop calling me names, or else!" Lena seductively whispered.

"Or else what?" Kara teased. When Lena tried to rip off Kara's suit she was stopped by Kara. "Not that I don't want to, but this suit takes forever to get on and off and if Dick Luthor decided to play, I want to be ready," Kara said as she put her hand up in Lena's face.

"Fuck You, you're such a tease," Lena said angrily. Kara started to laugh.

"But you love it!" She said as she rushed to Lena, pushing her up against the wall and placing hit and steamy kissed all over her body. Lena fought hard for control but lost.

"If you weren't Kryptonian it would be easy to take control of you," Lena smirked as she parted her lips from Kara's.

"Not true," Kara said truthfully. She wasn't going to go into detail if Lena asked but even as a human she is pretty in control of everything. There was a knock at the door and Kara used her X-ray vision to see who was at the door. Alex. Kara let out a groan and Alex mumbled something only Kara could hear.

"At least I knocked this time" Alex said. Lena looked at her.

"At least I know how you did that," Lena said, recounting the day Kara interviewed her for Cat.

A/N: sorry I haven't published in a week, I've been very busy and had no time to write, not that I had any thoughts. I probably won't be publishing tomorrow and if I do it won't be a lot because I have two funerals to go to. Leave your thoughts in the comments, I love reading them. And if you have any suggestions on something you want me to write in this, go ahead and suggest it. 

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