5~Sisters who forget how to knock.

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After an hour of crying on the CEO of L-Corp, Kara finally decided to contain herself. "I'm sorry that you had to see me like that, it was so unprofessional" Kara admitted, as she sat up and wiped her tears.

"No, it's human nature to break down," Lena said, wiping the remaining tear that slipped down Kara's cheek away. "If I had found out that my mother wasn't really dead after watching her die I would've been 200 times worse" Lena added. Kara looked up at the brunette, shocked.

"Your mother is dead?" Kara asked. Lena nodded.

"When I was four, she drowned, right in front of me and I did nothing" Lena said, letting the pain be noticed by the blonde.

"It wasn't your fault, you were four years old, you wouldn't have been able to save her" Kara said. It was her turn to comfort the woman who comforted her. Lena let her hug her and then pulled away. She looked Kara in the eyes and pulled her into a kiss. Kara didn't know what was happening until she felt Lena's soft lips crash against hers. Kara returned the kiss, pulling Lena closer to her. Lena lifted Kara's shirt over her head and threw it towards the door and was working her way with Kara's bra. The were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

Both woman jumped apart from each other, turning towards the door. Alex stood at the door holding Kara's shirt. "Alex, haven't you heard of knocking!" Kara yelled, grabbing a blanket to cover herself.

"Sorry, you weren't answering my calls" Alex said. Lena looked confused.

"I should go," she said, grabbing her things and leaving. 

"When were you going to tell me?" Alex asked. Kara looked confused.

"Tell you what?" Kara asked. Alex rolled her eyes.

"That you were gay, and sleeping with Lena Luthor, the woman you claimed to hate not even two days ago?" Alex stated.

"The gay thing never came up, and I was about to sleep with her, it never actually happened," Kara corrected her.

"Supergirl, there's been an attack at L-Corp!" J'onn said through the coms.

"I'm on my way, Alex L-Corp is under attack" Kara said. She changed into her suit and flew out the window.

A/n: sorry for publishing late, I hope you enjoyed the story.

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